I dream of a world where I am surrounded by like-minded friends - TopicsExpress


I dream of a world where I am surrounded by like-minded friends who support me, encourage me, laugh with me, talk long into the night with me, include me. Who I can laugh and joke with, and who see the best in me. Friends who bring out the best in me. Who remind me that I too have something good to give. People who prioritise our friendship, rather than make excuses and fit me in to their so-called busy schedule. People that I don’t have to try too hard with, because I can just be myself, flaws and all, and they just don’t mind, because my quirks and flaws are part of the fabric of me, and they simply just see past the insecurities and temporary, realising that I am more than the temporary slump in my life that I find myself in. People who can remind me of what’s great about me and life, even when I have lost sight of those things myself. People who can discuss matters intelligently with me, and at other times be a complete goof-ball. And that’s OK, because life is to be explored. We’re not supposed to just play one note in life. That would make for a very boring tune. We’re supposed to play every note on the keyboard of life. The black and the white keys, and people are there for me, no matter what. I dream of a life where I am never left to wallow in self-pity and misery, because my friends won’t let me. Everyday they’re motivating me, pushing me, “Come on Maryam, you’re too great for this small-minded thinking.” They’re not making me feel guilty for my feelings, or using those feelings against me, because they can see that feelings are to be honoured and then transcended. They are temporary, fleeting things, and they do not make up the sum of all my parts. I dream of a world where feelings are honoured. Not ridiculed, ignored, crushed, and suppressed. A world of honesty, where people tell each other what is truly on their minds. Where people can share their hopes, dreams, and aspirations, without someone waiting in the wings ready to crush those dreams. I dream of a happy world where people can easily share their thoughts and feelings with each other, and have intelligent conversations about the metaphysical meanings and spiritual growth that can be achieved from the awakenings within. Where an awakening for one heralds an awakening for all. I dream of a world of laughter, love, caring and sharing. Where people are included, no one is ever left to wallow alone in their misery, believing that they are forgotten or unloved. Where no one is made to feel guilty when they do feel this way. People turning around and reminding that person of all the good they have to give and immediately helping them to feel happy again, instead of telling them to take their negativity away. A world where people aren’t afraid to be around sad people and help them feel happy again. A world where lack of self-esteem is a forgotten concept. A world where people’s positive attributes are celebrated and their negative aspects either transmuted to positives or simply ignored. A world where encouragement is absolutely the norm. Where you don’t have to hint, or shout out that you need help, because people will instantly be there to lend a friendly hand, without accusing you of ulterior motives, manipulation, guilt-trips, energy vampirism, or even worse, being told that help will not be offered as it would enable a behaviour. This is what any of us want. A positive, happy world, full of friends, that share and care.
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 07:58:27 +0000

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