I feel beyond blessed to have a mother whos always encouraged me - TopicsExpress


I feel beyond blessed to have a mother whos always encouraged me to do whatever Ive ever wanted. No matter how crazy my ideas may sound, shes consistently backed me up and has been supportive in whatever Ive desired. In wanting the best for their children, I think many parents interject so much of their own ideas and beliefs into their kids it can prohibit true exploration and unique individuality. I always had space to be me. Never in my life have I felt non supported by my Mom. Shes always been there. Shed show up to every Little League baseball game, all my school events, and anything that was of importance. We always had stability in our home too. We didnt move around a lot and never worried about household disputes. Even though she worked her butt off every day, shed always come home and make dinner, tend to the house and make sure we had whatever we needed. We may not of had everything we ever wanted, but she got us a Nintendo, and that pretty much made me forget anything I ever missed out on. When I look back upon my life Im super proud of the job my mother did. Having a little rascal like me at 17 years old could not have been an easy job. However, she always made sure we had a happy family. You could tell how important it was to her that we had a better upbringing than she experienced. Mom, you really did a fantastic job all these years. Youre the best. Love you.
Posted on: Sun, 11 May 2014 22:39:22 +0000

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