I feel like sharing this with you. I was asked today if I believe - TopicsExpress


I feel like sharing this with you. I was asked today if I believe in Jesus and If I believe my gifts come from God. It was posed to me in response to someone telling them to be very careful because of the work I do and what the bible says. This came from someone who has had a session and was talking about their experience with someone else. This is my email response. Hi ----, I hope that you have been very well. Thank your for contacting me with your question. I hope that this doesnt become long and rambling. To answer your question do I believe in Jesus, my answer is yes. I dont think that I believe in him the same way that you do. I am a very spiritual person who talks to God everyday, all day. I am constantly praying and asking for divine help. I know that working in partnership with God helps me tremendously so that I can complete my divine life purpose. I believe that our definitions of God are different. I see God as our creator who created everything including me. I see Jesus as a master teacher who came to the earth to teach us about love. I figure you look at Jesus as God incarnate so that God could experience earth. Please correct me if I am wrong. I believe that we are made in the image and likeness of our creator. Therefore, I believe that we are empowered and given free will while we are here to experience earth our way. I feel that we all carry the spark of God or the Divine within us. We have never been disconnected from our source which is God. I do not look at the world through religious eyes. If Jesus is the son of God then I believe that we all qualify as special since we all come from the same place and we are all created by the same thing, God. I love Jesus. I work with him in healing people. He will show up in my office and I can feel it is him. The bible has passages that say that talking to spirits is bad and passages that say it is good. There is a lot of contradicting info. Jesus was a healer and said that we could all do what he does. I believe that we are all gifted with intuition and healing abilities. Not everyone is supposed to do those services as their lifes work. My abilities absolutely come from God. I happened to decide or was guided to use these gifts to help others professionally. This is my lifes calling. I understand that there tends to be fear around this type of work. People are concerned that the Devil is impersonating a loved one or that it simply is not ok to do. My response to those thoughts is this. When I am working with people either giving messages or helping them to heal I always call on Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael. I bless the healing sessions. If I was working with lower level energies or evil as some people call it I feel that the work that is done would not improve peoples lives. I would expect that people would feel worse or their lives would get worse. The devil isnt supportive of people being happy as I hear from religion. But, when I work with people they feel better. Their lives improve. Their overall well being increases. They have more clarity, confidence and peace in their lives. They become happy and free. I trust God and the Angels to guide my life and the work that I do. I use the term lower level energy to describe anything considered evil as it doesnt deserve any more energy than that. I became a Christian in 2004. I had a friend who was a believer and I started looking at religion very seriously. I accepted things at face value. I had always heard of the devil, but didnt pay much attention. When I started reading the bible I became more fearful than I have ever been in my entire life. I was always on guard and any time I had a negative thought I thought I was under attack. I lost my sense of peace and I lived in fear. That experience taught me a lot. I learned about giving my power over to something that makes me fearful. I pretty much reject any teachings or beliefs that put me in fear and dis-empower me. I dont call myself a Christian. I consider myself very spiritual and I believe that most religions have something to offer. I do my best to be kind, loving, compassionate, honest, and full of integrity. I feel that makes me a successful human being whether I subscribe to a particular religion or not. I understand if my beliefs do not match yours or you are uncomfortable with my views. I am happy that you have asked because it is obviously very important to you. If you need to end our relationship I completely understand. I will always be here either way. If you have more questions, please ask. Have a wonderful day! Love and Light, Christine Salter
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 21:37:30 +0000

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