I feel the emotional anguish, sadness and pain of Chans family. In - TopicsExpress


I feel the emotional anguish, sadness and pain of Chans family. In memory of my brother Juan Dollar who miraculously survived multiple gunshot wounds and brought alive in several hospitals who turned him away without first aid or proper referral. It took 45 minutes to rescue him and he was turned away by 5 hospitals. He fought for survival for more than four hours until he slowly bled out to death last July 9, 2014 at the emergency room of tertiary hospital where he stayed for less than two hours without blood transfusion and appropriate medical intervention! Among my brothers last few words when he was shot was Ospital, Ospital! Unfortunately, he never receive compassion from some heartless medical personnel who turned away a patient in critical condition without first aid or proper referral -- 1. Sto. Nino, Hospital in Bustos (this is the place where my brother was born which made my mom really emotionally devastated) She came back there and ranted at the nurse station... I could almost experience her cries and pain... 2. Castro Hospital in Baliwag (where we spent more than hundred thousands of peso for my parents and grandparents hospitalization services) who turned him away for having no surgeon on duty (who later disclosed that he wasnt completely informed but he was very much ready to attend to his needs) 3. Marcelo Hospital in Baliwag who provided initial first aid (because I was already hysterical on the phone) but sent him off to the next hospital (still they said no surgeon available) 4. Our lady of Grace in Pulilan (where my cousin serves as a nurse but was off duty that night; her nurse colleague-on-duty told her that should she have known he was her cousin,she should have made arrangements to contact a surgeon, isnt that more painfully ironic?); 5. Plaridel Hospital (where I was already hysterical-on-the-phone begging the nurse-on-duty to transfer him on an ambulance with medical staff to take him to East Avenue in Manila) but they decided to bring him to the Bulacan instead for immediate blood transfusion since the Red Cross blood bank is in Malolos. 6. Finally admitted at 3:35 AM at Bulacan Medical Center in Malolos who kept on complaining for lack of referral. My mother immediately seek for immediate blood transfusion.. Unfortunately, he died at the emergency room without any blood transfusion at 5:20 AM.. According to my younger brother, our brother Jonjon remained strong. He can even managed to walk and talk throughout the painstaking process of seeking appropriate medical intervention. His vital signs were ok. He kept on giving thumbs up sign. We were assured he can survive given the presence of a surgeon which was the reason cited earlier by hospitals for his non-admission. He was finally admitted at the last hospital which raised our hopes for his survival.. He doesnt deserve to die at the emergency room waiting for the right intervention until 5:20 AM! When my brother was admitted at the hospital (3:35 AM), the doctor said masama ang lagay ng kapatid mo, pwedeng matigok na iyan or youre brother looks bad, he will likely die. (matitigok is a very insensitive termed used for dying) My brother responded Gawin nyo muna po ang magagawa nyo at pakibilis lang po kasi baka maubusan ng dugo. He noticed that the doctor responded with a display of arrogance and insensitivity. There was no sense of urgency every time he made pleas for follow up medical intervention call. Jonjon was still talking to our younger brother who kept on making follow-up for medical intervention. He was pleading emotionally for pain medications and blood transfusion but they were hardly paying attention saying there was no doctor’s advice. He even offered his own blood who have the same type with Jonjon but the doctor only smirked and said hindi basta-basta yan, kailangan ng testing dyan (thats not just done that way, you need to test your blood) My brother responded then test my blood just give my brother blood transfusion. From time to time, my younger brother would go to his kuya to give him assurance that everything would be fine, that the entire family were there and that he was receiving medical interventions just to strengthen his kuya. He then saw the blood intended for his kuya but when he followed up, they responded again there was no doctors advice. They only came to give him CPR when he was already going through his last breath experiencing cardiac arrest. When my younger brother asked for a defibrillator (shock machine) to revive his kuya Jonjon, the doctor simply told him with a smirked Wala kami dito non at hindi iyon basta-basta ginagamit iyon or We dont have it here, Its not being simply used. Why??? no defibrillator on a tertiary hospital??? I am really so furious upon learning this from my brother. Jonjon left us with so many questions regarding what really transpired and caused him this agonizing and cruel death. Earlier that day, he spent long hours with my mother, sharing about his plan today to report to his agent for another OFW contract in Saudi. He spent long time with my mother at our swing about his future plans for his kids. My mother cant hardly believe it will be the last time he will share bonding stories with my brother... I love you Jonjon… I have so many hopes and dreams for you and your kids. I am not prepared for your untimely death. I cannot accept how you died with cruelty, poor rescue efforts and lack of compassion from expected medical intervention. These people also killed you. It is so painful to find out on my way to see you that you were gone.. I was assured you’re going to live but now you are gone… No familes deserved such cruelty. Life is sacred and I am appealing for help, both personal and systemic, to address issues of injustice, lack/absence of effective rescue coordination, access to appropriate medical and gender sensitive intervention. Let all the individuals and families who experience these unfortunate situations come with us, together we work and address these challenge! Sending my prayers and love to the bereaved families and relatives of Yanna Chan... May you rest in peace with my loving brother in heaven...
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 08:33:25 +0000

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