I feel there is a lot of misplaced anger, frustration and - TopicsExpress


I feel there is a lot of misplaced anger, frustration and discontent surrounding the Affordable Care Act. The big bad wolf isnt the ACA its the Private For Profit Insurance Companies!! The ACA isnt something you can purchase, its a law that has essentially reformed the private health insurance marketplace. The law has set forth a set of standards that the private (for profit) insurance companies have to abide by when they offer consumers a health plan. Lets explore some of the key components of this law: 1. insurance companies cant deny coverage to someone who has a pre existing condition. (Sounds good to me) 2. no more life time caps on coverage. Which means insurance companies can no longer drop people form coverage when someone really gets sick or has a accident. (Sounds good to me) 3. kids can stay on their parents plan until the age of 26. (Sounds good to me) 4. Has established a minimum set of standards that the most basic healthcare plan must cover. Which protects consumers from overpaying for bogus plans that have huge gaps in coverage. ( Sounds good to me) These are the 4 major components of the ACA. Keep in mind these changes were made because the Private Insurance Companies (Big Business) were denying access to care for common health issues like asthma, migraines, high blood pressure, back pain, etc. So unless you had employee health coverage your were screwed! Also the Insurance companies were dropping people from coverage when ever they felt like it because in this country healthcare is a for Profit Business which encouraged companies to essentially screw people over when they needed help the most!! Our healthcare system prior to the ACA was a utter mess!! So for people to suggest we should repeal the law and go back to the status quo is absurd to me. Ill be the first to admit the law isnt perfect! Yes people have received cancellation notices form their insurance companies; and most of those cancellations occurred because their pre existing plan didnt meet the minimum requirements or the insurance company CHOSE to change their plans and prices!! Remember insurance companies are still trying to maximize profits within the ACA guidelines. Companies change their prices all the time!! Gas, cable, phone service, internet, gym memberships..all change price! Thats the nature of business! So why are SO many people pissed off at our President for something the insurance companies a (big business) CHOSE to do??? Again I suggest your anger should be directed towards the insurance companies....period!! The ACA was not intended to create plans or fix prices! Thats why there are so many prices and plans to choose from! I personally wanted and still want a public option!! If we take away or at least minimize the profit motivation within our healthcare system we can truly have healthcare for all! We are the only industrialized nation that doesnt have healthcare for all. Look at Canada, Denmark, France, and Sweden, all countries who have healthcare for all! But in this country we are so afraid of our choices being taken away that we would rather give all the power to For Profit Insurance companies and then be surprised when prices change or go up! I know some wont agree with this, but its food for thought!
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 03:07:00 +0000

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