I feel this is very important news and pray that everyone reads - TopicsExpress


I feel this is very important news and pray that everyone reads the written letter below. Im encouraging everyone to contact Robin Tong by looking him up on FB and leaving your info so you can be added to this important discussion. Robin is a personal friend, educated in law, has high morals/values and is also a former veteran, so he takes his oath seriously. Please join the rest of the millions that will be involved to save our Republic. Robin W. Tong 2 hrs · . Special Note about Civic Activism and Civil Advocacy - Facebook Friends Wanted ■SPECIAL NOTE: After the fall elections, I will be enaging with and hosting various think tank discussion in tandem with other civic leaders independently or collectively doing the same. Although we each intend on achieving different goals and directing our civic activism towards different issues and controversies, the common thread of the different groups, factions, and activist are how to utilize our collective efforts towards galvanizing a modern era civil rights movement to put the patriot liberty movement back on a peaceful track towards redressing political issues and controversies, and forging the political will to redress the institutionalized corruption of our governance which both political parties have been advancing for a number of years. ■Everyone whom wishes to be part of a grassroots movement of civic activism, please recommend others of like mind as friends to me on Facebook. When the think tank discussions are hosted later this year, for the ones that I host or participate in Ill be posting a series of articles about them and the vision of the future of a modern era civil rights movement to eforce that our governance protect liberty, equality, and justice for all... and put an end to this national security bullshit rotting and destroying our liberties and our nation from within. ■Everyone whom considers themselves to be a civic activist or a civic leader within their communities is strongly encouraged to do the same, and to start thinking of hosting discussions and advocacy campaigns inspiring a national grassroots civil rights movement to demand our goverance enforce our Liberties regardless of crisis or declarations of national security. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights did not come with suspension clauses, despite the Supreme Courts declaration that in times of war the law falls silent. Let us work together to enforce that safeguarding our Liberties is the sole and principled purpose for the institutionlization of government in both times of war and peace regardless of the threats or the controversies facing our nation. ■In Liberty, Robin W. Tong ■Food for Thought: ■Our founding fathers warned of the evils of partisan politics. Regardless of whom wields political power, our governance is institutionalized to secure our liberties, equalities, and justice. Each generation of Americans has shouldered the legacy and the burden of struggling to form a more perfect Union, and our armed forces and law enforcement have done more to secure the freedoms and liberties of all nations and peoples throughout the world than any other nation in history. ■And yet the annals of our history are full of the horrors and corruptions perpetuated by our government because far too often our Oath Sworn and fellow citizens have failed to purge institutionalized corruption and have failed to defend our unalienable rights and civil liberties. Millions were enslaved at birth dependent on their racial heritage because our founding fathers turned a blind eye to such evils when they compromised on the issue of Slavery after winning the American Revolution and initiating a Constitutional Convention. The Indians were massacred and forced onto reservations. (I am a direct descendant of a Cherokee woman whom was forced marched along the Trail of Tears and somehow survived at the tender age of 4.) Peonage became common practice and institutionalized into our laws and justice system after the abolition of slavery, despite the fact that peonage was nothing more than slavery imposed by government upon conviction of any civil or criminal offense claiming that the law was broken or that the governments interest or authorities were injured or violated by anyone found guilty of having committed a victimless crime. Entire segments of our population were rounded up and interned in concentration camps during times of war, for no offense whatsoever other than their race and heritage by birth. And now, in this modern era, those whom hold office or whom hold sway amongst the elitist partisan and corporate interest are using their powers to cast the entirety of opposing political viewpoint and dissenting opinion as being rooted in extremism and terrorism and a threat to national security, and our governance under both Republican and Democratic presidents have wielded unchecked powers to wag war as they please, to spy upon the entirety of our citizenry without warrants, and to order the rendition or murder of anyone they please anywhere in the world without respect to trials or due process of law. ■Under the present and former administrations of both Republicans and Democrats our governance and the policing of our communities has becoming increasingly tyrannical in the name of national security, as our government spies upon, renditions, and murders anyone they wish without fear of impeachment or trial for treason, and a growing number of persons are being terrorized and assaulted by police and arrested for resisting arrest or obstruction of justice despite the fact there was no underlying crime to justify their arrest to begin with. ■But there is a bright side to those dark chapters of our national history, illustrated by the successes of the Abolitionist Movement, the Womens Suffrage Movement, the Civil Rights Movement, etc. When the enforcement the government interest (i.e. its powers and authorities) and the enforcement of national security threaten the very foundation of our Rights and Liberties which such government was institutionalized by our Constitution and Bill of Rights to protect, then it is past time for us one and all to rally and unite ourselves in the civic purpose of purging such corruptions. ■I for one say the time has come to forge and galvanize all patriots and citizens into a unyielding civil rights movement to thwart the abject designs of tyranny which are becoming institutionalized by our governance in the name of national security, and for us to bear whatever pains or sacrifices are requisite to peacefully purge such corruptions from a governance which per our Constitution is reinstitutionalized in each general election to safeguard and defend our liberties. by looking him up on FB and leaving your info so you can be added to this important discussion.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 05:14:44 +0000

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