I find it amazing how incredibly similiar our bodies are to the - TopicsExpress


I find it amazing how incredibly similiar our bodies are to the earth itself and especially plants. If we are not putting the proper nutrients in the soil, or maintaining a proper pH, then the plant will fail to grow properly or to its full potential, and it may become sick or diseased. So how do you know what nutrients to add to the soil? We get a soil test!! Its the same way with our bodies.. If we are not putting the proper nutrients into our bodies and maintaining a healthy pH of 6.8 in the urine and blood, then we inevitably become sick (e.g. a cancer cell has a pH of 5.0 or less compared to a healthy cell with a pH of 6.8). So why dont conventional doctors take a test of your pH when you go to see them? Why do they (90% of the time) give us things like prescription pills that treat only the symptom but in fact aggrevate and insult the body, lowers the pH, adding only more toxins to our bodies. Yes they numb the pain but arent doctors suppose to be treating the CAUSE of these symptoms instead of just releiving the symptoms and further feeding the growth of whatever illness we are suffering from? I am NOT saying to stop seeing conventional doctors and i am not saying they are intentionally adding toxins to our bodies (even though prescription pills do in fact contain many chemicals harmful to the human body), BUT shouldnt we be asking our docs these types of questions? My family has not been to see a conventional doctor in over 14 years and in that time i have had a brother FULLY CURED from severe asthma and allergies where conventional medicine had him in the hospital regularly and his condition was only getting worse. My grandfather who every year got the flu shot still would get bronchitis or an pnemonia EVERY year. Since stopping the flu shot and supplementing with ionic silver, he has not had pnemonia or bronchitis in the 4 YEARS HE HAS BEEN OFF THE SHOT. Our family has had incredible health for the past decade and it is not because of some vaccine we are taking. We are simply taking care of our bodies. Im not saying that because we chose an alternative route we are by any means invincible to sickness but the results have been MUCH more favorable to say the least... At the end of the day it is YOUR HEALTH and YOUR DECISION. Take the time to do some of your own research, look at how your body works at the cellular level and make a decision for yourself. I have and i will tell you i have never looked back in regret, and for that matter, never will. It comes down to the question... What is your body and your health worth to you?
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 18:45:02 +0000

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