I forgot to post on my wall yesterdays Day 1209 and I figured it - TopicsExpress


I forgot to post on my wall yesterdays Day 1209 and I figured it went here anyway...lol CANCER DAY 1,209: Hello My Friends! I hope you rested well last night and your day started out by being thankful. I woke up thankfully blessed simply because God allowed me to wake up period. How many days do we totally look passed our need to be thankful first thing each morning? I would say many more days we take for granted than we take in being thankful. Its nothing to be ashamed of because every one of us it happens to. Yes, this does include me. Ive not perfect by any sense of the word. We wake up late. We wake up in a hurry. We wake up after the alarm has been smacked on until it doesnt go off again. We have to get ready. We have kids to get ready. We have lunches to prepare and the list goes on and on. Its not that these things are more important but without our waking NoNe of them would matter or get done. What I try to do on days like this is try to slow down. I do not mean time wise because we have already hurt that idea by waking up late and pressed for time. Where I try to slow down is in my thinking during all of this rushing. You can make time (slow down) in your thinking because everything in your rushing is something you do every day. Therefore, it is routine and means that you do it without even thinking about doing it. Hey, that means there is room for something else. It is there that you can talk to God about how thankful you are that you were allowed to wake up period. There is nothing that states our prayers have to be said out loud or in some manner where we have to be Heard. Think about those times we have moments of silent prayer. Are you really talking to God in your heart/mind or are you just thinking about other things. God hears and knows which it is. Thats one reason I think before you go into worship, you really need to clear your heart and mind of outside things. When I was pastoring a church, there were times like during an altar call where people would be down praying (just an example) that I wished that God would allow EVERYTHING EVERYONE was thinking to just come blasting out loud. I wanted this to happen because of those I would see checking their phones, checking their watches and doing whatever. But then I would think, Lord, dont do that because the stuff I was just thinking would come blurting out as well! That was why I tried to clear my mind and Heart before I hit the sanctuary doors and used my thinking during worship to focus on God. If we do not go into church with our mind and heart focused on meeting God there. We will not meet God there and we might as well have stayed at the house. God hears you whether it is verbal or in thought. Something we truly need to remember. So slowing down our thinking on those rushed days to just tell God thank you for the breath of life flowing through us that morning is not hard to do and it will change your focus from the routine you can do blindfolded to something that will make your day brighter because you went to God when other things could have overshadowed him. Someone told me once, I couldnt be muslim because they have to pray 5 Times a day! As Christians we are taught to pray continually. However still arent we to pray also 5 times a day (at least): 1. When we wake. 2. At the breakfast meal. 3. At the noon meal. 4. At the supper meal. 5. before bed. Is that not 5 times a day? 5 times a day should not be hard for anyone because we have reminders of when to do them. Number 6, 7, 8 or 9 should be the hard ones. They have no reminders and require us (and us alone) to get accomplished. Prayer is easy. We are the ones who seem to make a task and chore out of it. Making it much harder than it was meant to be. Someone said the other day, We arent going to have mens prayer breakfast during the holidays. I can think of no greater time than the holidays that we need to be praying. Look around during this time and you can find many needs and one of the biggest is prayer. Prayer made easy. Lord, thank you for this day. God, thank you for the blessings. Forgive me where I have failed you. Watch over me and all others of the world. Let us strive to do all things for your glory according to your will for our lives. In Jesus name Amen. Simple. Do not make something hard out of something easy, especially when it is vital to us as Christians.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 01:31:16 +0000

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