I found an old email in which I submitted an essay on love for an - TopicsExpress


I found an old email in which I submitted an essay on love for an English class back a few years and thought itd be worth showing on here for any whod like to read. The Ultimate Love The Wonder That Gives Us All the Strength to Carry On “What is love?” is the very question many will go their entire lives without ever knowing. So, what is it? Love can have many meanings in today’s world, but love will always be the strongest force that humanity will ever know. The answer to this question is that God is love. 1 John 4:8 clearly states, “He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.” This simply means that to have love is to know God personally. Taking it a step farther, it means for one to not know God, one has never truly experienced love. His extent of love goes farther than our understanding can even come close to comprehending. So, why is God love? In the beginning of time, God created us, and we fell into sin against Him, betraying the almighty Creator. God, knowing that we would do this and what He would go through for us, created us anyway. Even after Adam and Eve forsook Him in the Garden of Eden by sinning, God loved us still. God, not being able to be in the presence of sin, banished them and the future of humanity to the hardships of earth, where we would have to face gruesome tasks for the rest of earth’s time. The punishment ended with death and eternal torture for all of mankind in a never-ending, inferno-filled prison called Hell. But He made a way for humanity to once again be with Him in heaven for eternity. He allowed them to make sacrifices to Him, as a temporary payment for their sins. As time played its course, humanity abandoned God, then repented to God over and over again. But after all the shame we brought to Him, He loved us still. His love is so great that 4000 years after the fall of man, God sent His one and only Son, Jesus Christ, to earth to bring a new era for humanity. Jesus was born as a miracle by the Virgin Mary. He lived his life without sinning once, being perfect in every way. God’s son, everything that God is in the restrictions of a human body where He faced temptations and weaknesses, carried on His task for His Father. As Jesus grew older, He performed miracles to show God’s wonders and gained followers that would help Him in his venture. These followers became known as the twelve disciples. The Pharisees, religious leaders of the time, were very jealous of all the attention He was getting from the public. They eventually turned against Him and tried many times to find guilt in Him worthy of death but found none. One day, Jesus’ own follower, Judas, under the shadow of night, betrayed Him and gave Him up to the Pharisees for thirty pieces of silver. They held a secret trial, where they condemned Him of falsely. As the trial seemed to be falling through, The Chief Priest asked Jesus if He was the Son of God and Jesus replied, “Thou hast said.” The Pharisees then all yelled out, “Blasphemy!” spitting on His face. They condemned Him to be severely beaten and torn apart, left barely alive. A crown of thick thorns was placed on His head as he was being punched and spit upon and then he was whipped thirty-nine times with a cat of nine tails, a whip with sharp bones and glass tied into it. He was then forced to carry a heavy wooden cross up a hill a quarter mile to be crucified on the cross to which He was nailed. He died on that cross, fulfilling His Father’s will for Him. He was buried and then rose again three days later; He greeted His disciples and commanded them to tell the world what He has done and then He ascended up to Heaven to be with His Father for all of eternity. This made the ultimate sacrifice for our sins, one that compensates for all other sacrifices. All we have to do to be with God in heaven is believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins and that He did rise from the grave three days later. God knew that we would all defy Him and all this pain and suffering would happen from it. He knew that many would perish and go to Hell for eternity, but He loved us so much that He created us anyway and gave His Son to die for us. He did all this because He is love. There is no greater power than this, for love is God.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 07:59:24 +0000

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