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I found this comment on a FB post. Whats your thoughts? Martial law is so close you can feel the heat of its putrid breath on your neck. The stench of government tyranny hangs in the air. Its like the smell of death. Government officials are spreading out across the country commando-style, hunting down innocent people like prey—those who are simply preparing for the worst. Yes, folks, Obama has a bounty on those people who want to collect their own rainwater, power their own electric or even heat their homes with wood stoves! These people who are prepping for the worst to protect their families and loved ones are the target of Obama. He wants everyone under his control. Under the guise of global warming Obama and his overzealous bureaucrats have outlawed 80% of the production and sale of the little wood stoves in use today. A prepper in south Florida that had gone “off the grid” was recently ordered by a court to connect back to the grid—to a municipal water line—or face eviction from her home. A man in Oregon was jailed for 30 days for collecting rainwater and snow run-off on his rural property. This is insanity and it is yet another step closer to Martial Law. What is next? If Obama doesnt get the obedience of all his subjects in the land, then he will punish them—even put a bounty on their heads like hes doing now with his government thugs cracking down on preppers. Then Martial Law will come to the entire country. No one will be safe. He has entered the final phase of his plan—the very one where Martial Law is decreed. We will be doomed to live in the Kingdom of Obama, beat down and defeated, shackled and without freedom. Obama will fully implement his fundamental change through Martial Law UNLESS we stop him now. Our military clearly sees Obamas end game: Martial Law and New World Order. Theyve seen it come down firsthand in hostile foreign countries. Obama fits the profile of a dictator and hes taking all the key steps: Step one: Hes decimating America as a military power...firing the highest ranking generals and officers...slashing the Pentagon budget by $1.3 trillion...depriving our service members of the weaponry they need to fight and protect. It is a complete purge—hitting our military hard so all branches become weak and defenseless. Obama has so radically demoralized and incapacitated our soldiers that they feel defeated. They cant even practice their own religious freedoms in a war zone...have been stripped of religious symbols... even deprived of Christmas cards from our children due to the VA sanitizing the mail of all religious references...yet theyre bound to protect and respect radical Islam. Obama has cut more than 200 of our militarys most highly decorated during his time in office. Patriots, this is unprecedented! Those left may not speak out or theyre fired. And when the king removes loyal US soldiers, hes replacing them only with those who share his warped ideology. Once he cuts our military to pieces he has to make sure that American citizens dont have any power to rise up so what does that mean? Step two: A gun-grab leaving American citizens defenseless to fight back. Plans for gun confiscation are well underway according to an Obama loyalist. You probably dont even know this but Obama just proposed a rule change that would take guns away from people being treated for even the most minor mental health issues. Our own veterans have had their guns confiscated under the guise of mental health problems. Gun grabs are being made all over the nation. One of Obamas military loyalists has proudly boasted that theyll pry the guns from our cold, dead hands. Step three: Ramp up his own shadow army to fight potential domestic insurgents. Remember, the DHS has been stockpiling ammunition along with massive tankers. Why does the DHS need mass amounts of ammo—hollow point to boot. Even our military isnt allowed to use those bullets. Theyre expecting an uprising against the tyranny. Remember the unprecedented power thats been awarded to the IRS—the most feared government agency in the land. Step four: Spy on Americans and round up the innocent and all those opposed to his plan. Obama has put innocent people on watch lists—veterans, Christians, patriotic Americans—and labeled them extremists. Think about the gun owners and the national registry hes demanding. Theres good reason hes having the NSA spy on everything you do and say, every move you make. Whats his game? Psychological warfare. Dehumanize and demoralize people so they feel overwhelmed and then give up. Its happening all over the country.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 03:58:02 +0000

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