I found this online comment helpful: I have personally followed - TopicsExpress


I found this online comment helpful: I have personally followed comments on pictures of John Kumuyi’s wedding and I think there’s need for us to understand a number of things about the church (DCLM). One of the brother who commented on the page tried pointing out the difference between dogmatism and doctrines. The doctrines DLBC boldly preaches are Repentance, Holiness, Sanctification , Trinity, Restitution, Water and Holy Ghost baptism and so on… (see this links for details: dclm-scotland.org/church-doctrines/). These are bible doctrines and as such are UNCHANGEABLE. The other interesting part that causes a whole lot of stirs especially among youths as we can evidently see in comments generated from John’s wedding pictures yesterday are d “dogmas”. Dogmatism constitutes an expression of strong opinions about issues/topic/concepts by persons. These opinions as much as most youths detests them have bn helpful in keeping the body of Christ in tune over the years. The very fine idea that brought about dogmatism in the church is CHRISTIAN CONSECRATION; making heaven at all cost! No matter the sacrifice.. A backup for this deeper Christian consecration can be drawn from an admonition by Christ which says “And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.” This generally represents the background of most of the church’s strong opinion on issues. It is unfortunate most members and even leaders ignorantly misrepresent them as laid down rules. A common old time example of the exhibition of dogmatism is the TV. Our innocent tv box which struggles with signals from one or two uncoordinated local stations was an eye some Christians needed to block off in those days. That was a strong opinion of consecration in those days, it however earned the innocent box the title “devil’s box”..lol. Fortunately a lot of communities, denominations and even other religions independent of deeper life shares the same view then. But when media houses started becoming more coordinated and cable networks started assigning stations exclusively for certain purposes. Opinions started changing and it became obvious you can actually avoid watching indecency with your TV set if u don’t want to. This is clearly the case with a lot of things changing in the church today. Over two years ago, W.F Kumuyi came down heavily to address the strict conditions adapted by the church’s marriage committee and since then things have bn changing in marriage coordination in the church. John’s wedding is definitely not the first to reflect those changes perhaps its just noticeable because of the societal status. Opinion changes with time and circumstance around but the doctrine of the Word of God never change. To be honest, the church is over 40years and a lot of things are changing in the world, but the truth is that, the church’s profession of faith, doctrines, that of salvation, sanctification, restitution, marriage’s monogamy, Trinity, Rapture, Holiness and other godly virtues we uphold are UNCHANGING. Mind you, our deeper consecration are still intact, there might be a change in gear due to the nature of the road for adaptivity purposes. but we r definitely driving on.. Its really not about what we do or what we don’t do, its about being determined to get to heaven by all means! And I’m telling you, if we discover walking with our two legs only makes us more prone to eternity in hell. I bet some of us will be ready to crawl 4 d rest of our lives. And if, with time circumstance changes and running seems to be the safest means; then we would start grooming splinters in d church.. That is the true spirit of Christian consecration that is inspired by the Servant of God, W.F Kumuyi. God bless y’all. Deeper Christian Life Ministry | Scotland Region » Bible doctrines dclm-scotland.org Deeper Christian Life Ministry | Scotland Region » Bible doctrines dclm-scotland.org
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 09:41:15 +0000

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