I found this today in my writings... I have been a little lost of - TopicsExpress


I found this today in my writings... I have been a little lost of late and I needed to come back to myself again. I was once asked …..What is love to me, between a man and a woman? The only way I can describe Love is to tell you about my kind of love. When I love a man I love him with all my heart, body and soul. My love is an unconditional a gift, it is not easy to give unconditionally. But it is not a gift if it is easy to give. A gift of love comes from the very soul of a woman and given freely to her man. When I love a man I am loyal to him in every way. With my body I am loyal With my mind I am loyal With my heart I am loyal In this way do I express my Honor and faithfulness When I love a man I give my body to him in every way. I give him the pleasure of my passions when he wants to play with joy and abandon. I give him the comfort of my soft open warmth when he needs solace and peace. I give him the whole of my being when he yearns to express his love and commitment. In these ways do I give my body to only him. When I love a man I give over my secrets to him. I tell him my hopes and joys when he wants to dream with me. I speak of my fears and sorrows when he wants to protect me. I whisper to him my desires and fantasies when he wants to pleasure me. In this way only he knows me. When I love a man I share all that I am with him. I share my knowledge and strength when he wants my help. I comfort and nourish his body when he falls ill. I open my soul to him when he needs my love. In these ways will he feel my heart. I follow his lead. I require his respect of me. I desire only his heart. This is the foundation of my love and on this foundation I build all else. This is what love is to me. I strive always to be humble, loyal, faithful, truthful and open hearted. I know that someday I will find a man that wants my kind of love. A man that will give of himself and not take my love like a hungry animal. I will no longer give myself to a man that does not respect my love. I will not tolerate a willful disregard for my feelings and needs. I will no longer give my love out like a peace of sweet candy to be devoured in haste. Most of all my love must be earned through trust, friendship, respect and loyalty. I do not ask anything of a man that I am not prepared to do myself for him. Trust is not given out by me, it is earned from me. Friendship is quickly sprouted and slowly grown, like an oak tree. Respect is a requirement, if it is not standing in front of me then my love will never grow. I have the heart of a lion, my loyalty runs deep in my soul. If a man does not have this same heart then he will not ever share my soul. Heidi Gueths Weaver
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 21:27:12 +0000

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