I got 13. Things you may not know about me: 1. Im obsessed with - TopicsExpress


I got 13. Things you may not know about me: 1. Im obsessed with hippie side bags. Theyre hideous, and theyre perfect. 2. I would take on the challenge of reciting the entire script of Shes the Man. And Disturbia with Shia Labeouf. 3. Love algebra, hate geometry. 4. I read both of Russell Brands books. Twice. 5. Besides the cello, I play piano and guitar. And, might I add, I also rocked the recorder back in my day *wink wink*. Music is such a significant part of my life. Its crazy. Listening to it and producing it, it makes me so happy. 6. I just walked into a screen door whilst typing the previous fact. Not even gonna lie. Im wondering why didnt it hurt? Glad no one saw that besides one of my dogs, Champ. 7. Some of my favorite books include Les Miserables, VA Series, anything Dan Brown, and European travel guides. Mostly Scandinavia. 8. Im obsessed with the Norwegian fjords. Google them. They are breath taking. 9. Favorite movies include, though are not limited to: Kon Tiki, Charlie Bartlett, Waiting for Forever, Beauty and the Beast, Sanctum, The Words, Titanic, The Red Violin, Mr. Nobody, and The Phantom of The Opera. Ill stop there haha 10. Im really interested in conspiracies involving historical works of art. 11. I have a book of all of Edgar Allen Poes complete stories and poems. Despite popular belief, he was actually a pretty funny guy. 12. I draw all of the time. On everything. 13. I LOVE candles! I can never have too many lit in my room. Wow, that was lengthy.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 23:33:06 +0000

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