I got this from Tea Party Nation and it is about Gov. Rick Perrys - TopicsExpress


I got this from Tea Party Nation and it is about Gov. Rick Perrys view on Marijuana laws! View Blog . Please visit eaglesforamerica Todays post discusses Rick Perrys surprise proclamation. Does that make him a liberal? Actually, I believe that he may have vaulted himself to the front of the GOP 2016 Presidential pack! We must remember that to win the general election, Republicans must win the states that George W. Bush won in 2004. But there is more at stake in this argument! Perrys brand of conservatism takes the Republican Party to the root of the question: Are we Constitutional Conservatives? Are we New Conservatives(Neo-Cons)? Many conservatives think that Marijuana laws should be made in Washington D.C.. The questions that Perry asks are simply, Should this decision be made in Washington? Or, should the individual states have final say? Perry is a Constitutional Conservative. His benchmark is the 10th amendment. The Neo-Con alternative amounts to a large, Washington, D.C. based government advancing and facilitating conservative principles. So, what are we? The Republican party is desperately attempting to define itself. And to do this, we must first define components. The Tea Party may have saved the party following the 2008 election. But after 2010 it splintered. What started as a movement confined to fiscal issues jumped into social issues. 2012 should have served as a wake-up call! The Party leadership has at least acknowledged that the primary was too long and that we had too many debates. But, have we learned our lesson from 08 and 12? If we have, then Chris Cristie will be dismissed as a Presidential possibility. However, we must also address and redirect the party Dogmatics. These are the Republicans who would black ball Rick Perry because he voted with 177 of 181 Texas legislatures in favor of an out-of-state tuition waiver for children of illegal aliens. Not to mention those who would veto him due to his surprise support for Marijuana decriminalization! These same people would rather hold to Minor versus Happersatt, an obscure 1875 Supreme Court ruling, than place Marco Rubio on the ticket with Perry. These are the same Republicans who supported Todd Akin and Sharon Angle! They would likely care more about being right than beating Hillary Clinton in 2016! Make no mistake! A Perry-Rubio ticket can win in 2016. It has everything. It could even win in a landslide! But we must get past these ideological concerns and see the big picture. The Perry camp evidently has. They know that the path to the Presidency may run through Colorado!
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 10:55:00 +0000

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