I got this from a colleague thought i would share Doctor’s - TopicsExpress


I got this from a colleague thought i would share Doctor’s day special. This article is also a test of how our society tolerates truth. Recently read a flash news about Eminent Doctors taking cuts / referral fees. There cannot be any justification. But if a whole system based upon corruption, a whole society facing inflation expects only one of its components to be sane, it’s insanity. Hence these thoughts. I apologise in advance if this hurts some feelings. This isn’t a placebo though. For the “Nautanki” people who appear so shocked to hear about corruption in the Medical field, here’s the naked truth: There is corruption in every aspect of every field including religion, law and judiciary, government, politics, police, press, military, film industry, YOUR FIELD, and also medicine, as the doctor is a part of this very same society, not from Mars. There is corruption in every aspect of medical field: referring a patient, lab tests, CT/MRI, Surgeries, Cross referrals, almost everything. But as in every field, there are people who do it by choice, there are some who have to be a part of the system to survive in India, and some who refuse to be a part of it all, facing many other problems including a perpetually low income. Think Simple: why would a person with highest of merit, hardest of hard work, tendency for helping others want to become corrupt? Not by choice. No one becomes a doctor for greed (Someone might attempt, but these people drop out in the first six months or a year: Those not dedicated to a hard life cannot endure medical education in India). Every doctor wants to do good to his patient and also live a decent life. After a lifelong meritorious career, why should he be expected to toil in villages / rural areas without any rewards for it? Why should he not want his kids to go to the best schools? Why should he not want a decent lifestyle? Why should one give up a lucrative career in the west and return to the homeland feeling patriotic, to just be told that in your own country you are doomed to a life of sacrifices just because the society expects so? “Someone who wants money should not become a doctor” said a dropout actor who is seen doing all immoral things (from peeing openly in a garden for press in real life to cruel crimes and revengeful murders on film: while running a show to change India to an ideal country.. I hope he and his family only use Indian things, medicines etc.). Why? Why should a doctor not want money for a decent life? Why should he endure the humiliation of so many non-meritorious people from his class livin in luxury because they chose not to be a doctor, while he chose the noble profession? Listening day-in and day-out to patient’s problems, tears, cries, allegations, threats, and expectations, not ever having a peaceful sleep for a week at a stretch, not eating in time, not having enough time for family, why should a Doctor NOT want to earn well? We are not supposed to refuse a case in emergency. Do the Judiciary or Police or Politicians do that? We are fined crores for medical negligence. What if the Judge is wrong? What if the police are wrong? What if the politician is wrong? What do they pay even when proven wrong? Why the presumption that the negligent doctor’s intention was bad? Negligence is possible in all fields (reactors/ bridges/ buildings/ food/ trains/ public transport), can cost life in many, how come the doctor alone pays in crores for a life that he was attempting to save, while in all other cases the motive was profit, not saving life…? How come the judges decide the amount of fine? In a recent case, the fine was in crores. If the patient had survived, would the court have ordered the same payment for the doctors? Doctors save millions of lives. Some through heroic / exceptional efforts, without thinking of rewards. If a young patient is saved, shall we charge according to all the income he can make all his remaining future? Than why this criteria for fines? World has become a global village. People travel to the
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 05:54:40 +0000

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