I grew up in one of the mainstream Protestant churches. I came - TopicsExpress


I grew up in one of the mainstream Protestant churches. I came from a very long History in that particular Denomination. My whole family were associated with that Denomination. Both of my parents and my grandparents on my mothers side were all members of this particular Denomination. Growing up we all assumed that we were actually following the Bible. Truth is we were not. We were following what we were taught by men in the pulpits. Eventually, though, I came to realize—with absolute proof—that we were not following the Bible at all, but rather the traditions of men that had been injected into churchianity over hundreds of years. My earlier assumptions were wrong. It is sometimes very very hard when you have to face the Truth. It is not easy to accept the real Truth and Most will continue to try and hold on to the past even though they learn the Truth. Most of all who have sat in pews on SUN-day Mornings that do know a little about the Bible have ask themselves if what was said was the Truth. Think for a moment of the hundreds of differing Christian churches with totally different concepts of God and salvation. All have Different ideas and teachings. Ask Yourself where did those ideas come from. Most if they search it out will find that they came from Men in Pulpits. It was their ideas and concepts of different events that probably influenced your way of thinking. Ask yourself Are YOU Really following the Bible? Or are you following what YOU were taught by Men? Most likely it is the latter. Today is the time when We need the Truth but Today we are seeing more and more co-mingling. Some even call it Co-existing. When YOU look at Most Christian Churches today you have to ask yourself What is going on? Do all these people sincerely believe they are following the Bible? They do what they do believing that they are truly sincere at what they believe and that is enough. Mahatma Gandhi, was a sincere man. He humbled himself in many ways, and sometimes nearly starved himself in order to provoke his fellow countrymen to rise up and demand change. There have always been those who were sincere in their beliefs but were 100% wrong. Gandhis concept of God, of how to worship God and of the whole purpose of life was totally different from anything that can be found in the Bible. Fact was He was Wrong. Today there are many who sit on pews that believe they are right that have no idea of their Churches History and How ideas and Beliefs developed. The real God of the Bible tells us, God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth (John 4:24). What is that truth? Yeshua proclaimed, Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth (John 17:17). If you are actually willing to face the Truth, you will see that dozens of commonly accepted Christian doctrines and practices are not only un-biblical; they are actually condemned by the inspired word of YHWH.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 14:41:45 +0000

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