I h With respect for everybody,for those who believed in us,we - TopicsExpress


I h With respect for everybody,for those who believed in us,we didnt answer the pression and the allegations we were submitted,but we have to clarify some of the aspects. On Dec. 2013,we joined an action where we earned the renting of a stable -360 E per month,that willing and hopefully began to improve it in ideea of providing shelter for the stray dogs.There were alocated huge amounts of money (for us,at least)=(workers,cleaning,painintg,doors,windows,pavement,cealing etc) all those being paid almost totally by us,nobody joining us at the time. We only wished to help the poor dogs in the dogcatchers shelters(public shelters) whose life was frightened by the euthanasy order.We,together with the whole family dedicated our time and energy to this matter,dispite day by day problems. Since december,almost day by day,starting 5o clock in the morning ,we were following the Buchrest-Fundulea-Calarasi route,for obtaining all documents,taxes,authorizations necessary.Daily ,on cold winter time,sleeping and eating in the car, getting home late in the night,we were checking the workers jobs,freezing at -15 , always new documents beeing requiered for the next day. Reaching a crittical financial point we repeatly asked for help publicly and on the internet. The shelter not being ready ,we were legaly obliged not to populate it, only on condition of signing a elf -respond declaration for the dogs we were toshelter in there. Having got the file t ASPA ,with the DSV declaration ,the rent contract,space proof,etc ,we obtained a positive answer from ASPA for allowing us to take only the dogs that nobody wanted and were to be euthanasied. On february 6th we took the first dogs from Pallady.Nobody heard us crying for help and the next dogs were waiting for their sentince. First help started to show up,thanks to Mrs Gabriela Iorgulescu,the president of an association for children ,Mrs Gilda and all those who helped us (see donations list) which unfortunately couldnt cover the final needs of the shelter,for obtaining its authorization completely. The killing orders were on and on ,so we continued to take as many dogs as we could , the last ones being taken on 7th of March ,2014. The dogs number riing at 200,we asked for help for building the paddock and for food . Not beeing used,the electricity needed reinstaled and reconditioned,improvising it costed us around 150 E. The drainage,we started it,by then,but we couldnt finish it at the moment. Also,the water well ,the worker drilled around 20 metres, on winter time,the costs= around 370 Euro. Veterinary doctor was present day and evening,treating the sick dogs (10 of them) with antibiotics-Spectam.They were already having health issues ,pulmonary or intestinal afections or sever malnutrition, since the time they were being kept in the public shelters and not being medically attended. ;all being registered in a DSV file. After the last time we took dogs from Mihailesti ,9 of them died,so they were to be packed ,individually for authopsy analisis and sending them to Protan. Those dogs were clincly attended,still,they couldnt make it because of the severe afections,diagnozed by the doctor,and achieving them before being taken by us. The pulmonary ,rhenal,intestinal,diabitis and cancer afections with a high level of malnutrition and dehydration coulndt be solved just in a few days and wih no help. The other dogs,still on medial treatment were beings held separatedly ,being stabilised and clinicly checked by the doctor ,daily. With our personal financial resources and the donours ,they ve been fed ,all of them twice a day,with dry food ,bread and rice. Personally,I left home in the morning and evening as well,for feeding and cleaning them,together with my mother,many times until 5-6 oclock in the morning;not trusting completely the people who were working there at that time, the workers of near by shelter ,the guardian of the institut ,even Local Police being wittness to that and finding us there. Daily ,2 persons did a titanic job , not being 20 as the volunteers at the present time, leaving there deadly tired;extremely dity ( we were digging for the water for cleaning and drinking. Besides the wittness who saw us ,we havent got time for making photos of films during all tese activities,for prooving all that we did ,and we were innapropriate conditions . Until this moment,besides only one worker,we havent got any help but us.. 20 people work,made by 2 persons ( women),for several months. For the two of us,lonely,all those months te effort was titanic! The situation could be easy remediate without any allegation,the dogs didnt die because of the urine smell -as speculiated - and the healthy dogs having malnutrition issues ,not agonizing -as speculated ,again. None of the dogs,besides the 10 ones,already registered in the Treatment Register was not agonising or dying. Still,there was an exception,a case of a dog ,already uder medical care,suffering severe pulmonary issues extemely thin, which I ,personally took care until morning,it was being aministrated glucose ,the man who worked in our shelter being witness to the matter. The next day I was accused of founding it agonizing and sick of Carres Disease and the poor one was euthanasied without my approval by CityVet called by Marius Chirca,without being asked what kind of treatment he received by then . As Elena Honceriu requiested (though I insisted on medical help=-medicines,glucose,vitamins,vaccins) there were made a lot of tests for Carres Disease ,despite of the fact that the dogs were being already verified for that issue and fortunaly and expectidly turn out to be negative for that disease. After the authopsy made by the vet doctor , turned out that none of the dogs died because of external of external injury caused by animal or human or because innapropriate taking care .Those certificates were studied by DSV and Criminal Police ,as well. Our shelter was permanently visited by many persons before the discussed incident, including DSV,ASPA and even that Marius Chirca and other persons also. Out of 200 dogs,8 of them were having owners.Nobody ever complained ,on the contrary ,we even became friends with those who actually took their dogs out of the shelter,by our request,fearing that the persons abusevely installed in there would remove those dogs elsewhere whithout any legal approvement. Ever since the first dogs were brought in there ,this masacre,hell-as this shelter was called-existed ,there must have been someone ,anybody who got scandalised by the horror situation as it was described,isnt it? Well..there was nobody! Neither the persons who were keeping dogs in there or anyone else! On the 12th of March ,Mister Vadim Tudor ,whos also a dedicated animals lover and carrer,sent us a transport from Focsani to Fundulea ,that contained many bags of animal organs and was ment to feed out dogs ,also with dry food. In our absence ,the man who was in charge there with dogs taking care of ,spread the meat and organs all over the places,during evening. Next morning we were announced that mr. Nelu Valceleanu and Marius Chirca urgently called a great number of persons for making pictures and filming the whole thing,like the dogs being masacrated. Once we got there ,we found indeed the paddocks full of organs ,dogs agitated,the corpses of the sick dogs that were dead as we explained before the reasons and circumstances,pulled out of the bags ,filmed and photographed , lied down in front of the shelter and photographed again and again in certain specific ways,describing a horror movie scenary and then going public with it on the internet,immediatly by the persons being present there. Once made, that negative presentation and the visual asociation between the rests of meat and organs laing all over the places ,down there and the dead bodies that were unporpose exposed out of the plastic bags (they were to be taken by the Portan personal for incineration ) led the volunteers to a general histery,taking all the dogs out from their cages ,one by one,because in their oppinion all of them were sick. Some of the dogs that were rapidly examined by a doctor called by that Marius Chirca ,were transported to some vet ambulances and we were told that they are taken to a vet clinic ,others being taken by volunteers whitout signing any legal document and not being able of justifing their stealing and dissapearing .All that was happening in the presence of our vet doctor ,authorised who well knew each animal,and he also received a very bad and agresive atitude from the volunteers brought over there. The 2nd and 3rd day,we waited for the dogs being brought back or to be told about the dogs new destination or at least for signing the adoption contracts and giving us the numbers of the registred crotals .We were insulted and freghtened again. Time by time ,we were aware of dogs dissapearing being anounced that a lot of cars were charging dogs from our shelter ,abusevely and with no approval from our side! When my mother asked that Marius Chirca and insisted ,for explinations about the missing dogs ,because he claimed that hes got the right to take them ,he reacted phisicaly and verbaly agresiv and his friends as well. Ive personally seen 2 or 3 dogs removed from my shelter by those people ,abandoned in the streets, between the cars with their lifes at risk. The agresive dogs separated by us from the others ,were being taken outside along the quiet dogs,so the last ones got injured in the fights between them. We repeatdly insisted on the fact that new paddocks were to be built step by step and by then the dogs would stay more together,being separated not only by size ,but behaviour as well. That was the urgent decision came directly from our hearts for saving those dogs lifes without any major risk,saving them from a certain death. We have indeed problems which could be solved without agresive atitude ,if the volunteers would have been helping us since the begining when we desperately cried for help on the phone and internet! The result: Hundreds and thousands of dogs which could be saved got killed an the poor rest of them wait for their death in the public shelters,which irronicaly in dog lovers opinion theyve got a better condition over there ,in only 14 days they are allowed to live after they are captured.Some of those so called dog lovers also claimed that they would rather prefer death for those dogs instead keeping them along other 8-9 bodies in a paddock ,in a shelter with some issues that could be solved step by step ,in time with everybodys help and support. Regarding Marius Chirca ,I insisted on the matter of knowing about the missing dogs in our shelter ,he claimed that I would receive the adoption contracts in exchange of giving in to him my shelter and finaly he told me that those dogs died. Regarding our financial state,I went public with all association documents since december 2013 by now and we are also open into verifying our personal accounts anytime ,which practically are inexistent. The donations made in personal will be justified ,I consider that the previous image at the shelter compared to the present one would be enough for prooving that the arranging of the shelter and its improvement were made out of personal financial resources since the begining and only after a while first donations started to show up .All that we claime can be prooved by proper documents. Regarding the donours wed like to specify that first 4 paddocks were made by Mrs. Gabriela Iorgulescu s donation ,the other 4 padocks by miss Alexandra ,which was to bring her dogs in there only after they were being sterilised all and received their proper vaccins. Three padocks were made by mr. Vadim Tudor s good wioll ,wishing to bring in the dogs from the cemeteries and captured by the dog catchers .Mr Iovici offered himself to continue in canalization and septic tanks ,I repeat Mr Iovici ,NOT the volunteers! Mrs Elena Honceriu offered herself to help us posting announcments.She brought her contribution by getting donations for building 2 more padocks plus days of helping with the food ,along with miss Claudia. We would like to thank Ms Ioana Diaconu for the 12 sacks of dry food and Ms Carmen for the wooden pallets .We also give our thanks to Mrs Constanta and Mr Chiriac for their help and afective support ,Mrs Cornleia ,Mrs Anca who wish to support all together the poor dogs in Odaii shelter.. Thanks to Mrs Marcela Pasla (Cutu-Cutu Assos.) who help us with transporting cages when we desperatly needed and encouraged us all the time. Thanks to Mrs Coca ,Mrs Nicoleta in Pitesti,Mrs Doina Magrini ,Mr Andrei who was always besides us so many times helping us with the transport ,Mrs Gabi Lazar who helped us with the cleaning ,Mrs Luana ,Mrs Nora in Germany (who help us with 200 E ,saving in that way 5 puppies found on the way to Mihailesti and hospitalized in a clinic in Rahova with parvoviruse) ,Mr Razvan Milea who help us with us with medicines for dogs ,Mrs Geta . We also thank my aunt Cati Moraroiu who encouraged us and supported us financially ,grandma who despite her sever condition of health never allowed us to give up,my sister also (cooking rice until late night:)),my steph father who helped us who helped us with his personal car ,carring with his hands heavy sacks of dry food ,materials and the necessary rest,hitting the road daily ,via Bucharest-Fundulea -Calarasi with his own financial resources. The dogs transport from public shelters was insured by Nelu Valceleanu ,paid 70 Euro each transport. The people hired to take care of dogs were paid by day also were given food and ciggarets. The workers hired for the shelter improvement ,walls cealing,pavement,also paid by day ,renting machines and bying materials ,so many times improvising being necesary because we ran out of money and time. The vet cabinet,electricity,digging for the water whole 20 metres under ,into frozen land ,all the people who worked on it and many other problems were paid with our moeny ,the contract with Protan,and the most important ,the shelter rent of 360 E per month. In the end ,tired and dissapointed ,with grief in our souls,allowed you ,to throw with stones on us , and cover us in dirt ,offend and curse us ,calling us thieves and our shelter -hell we invite you to see how hard it is to do this titanic work (cleaning,feeding ,medical care ) in 20 persons ,not 2 as we were in the begining. When we desperatly asked for help ,we were invisible.But how easy so many persons were found for judging and acussing us and giving us a bad name in our country and abroad? They say there is nothing that cant be done ,if we raise our voice as one..nothing impossible if we act all together.. Many of you put me a certain question: why dd we take so many dogs beyond our powers? Here s your answer and now I ask You: When you find yourslef facing 20 dogs behind bars for their lifes ,with tears in their eyes,imploring you not to let them to be killed,what choise you make? How can you decide which one of them lives and each one dies? How would you decide? Though decision ,isnt it??... . Chat conversation end Camera Choose a sticker or emoticon .. Chat (Off) .
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 11:04:12 +0000

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