I had some wonderful questions come forth on my latest blog post - TopicsExpress


I had some wonderful questions come forth on my latest blog post blog.melanietoniaevans/quanta-freedom-healing-in-action-from-phuket/ which I answered in a comment, but I felt inspired to share here too. These were questions about - 1) Should we just reduce the charge or get it down to a zero? THE ANSWER ... The goal is to really clean it up, so that you can’t access the charge at all anymore … when we can think of it, it’s neutral and there is no emotion left on it. That’s when we know our young previous involved wound(s) are up-levelled and are no longer “reacting” to that event/ thought. This can take some repeat shifts and digging and finding and up-levelling all the beliefs that are attached to this. What we can also find is: later the same painful belief can re-present. This simply means that at our present state of evolving (growing) we now have access to another part of ourselves (we are incredibly multi-dimensional). All we need to do is allow the trigger, embrace it and go into it with the process and release again (whatever has presented) – without judgement. This can be very true for the BIG core issues in our life. Other things we will shift out of easily and they never come back. So rule of thumb: whenever you are working on anything make it your goal to clean it up – and this gives you the ability to expand to the next level of freedom of your True Self. 2) Can I do the shifts anywhere? THE ANSWER ... I do my shifts “anywhere”, because I have the process mentally down pat, can easily connect to theta brainwave and connect to my inner being, and have trained myself to do it with my eyes open and regardless of what is going on around me. Early morning walking is a favourite time. I am pretty expressive with muscle testing – but in public I can be more discreet!! It is very, very true that initially getting that connection going will be better with eyes closed, by being still and undisturbed. Later as you get more practised, absolutely you can do whilst walking etc. We do not have to do the process “perfectly” for it to work … The process is powerful, unconditionally loving and very forgiving!! 3) Why are some shifts more powerful than others? THE ANSWER ... What you will find is that when you really “nail” a shift – it is incredibly powerful – you have a huge somatic shift in your body that is unmistakable. You just KNOW it’s done! There are two main reasons why this doesn’t happen with other shifts. The first is that you are not right down into the “core” of the matter yet. That just means “clear this and keep digging”. When you go into the “issue” you will feel resistance still there. Just drop deeply into that, use the technique and claim what you find. The issue will be be an “onion” – meaning you can’t get access to the core of it, until you have shifted out the layers above. That is a nutshell is what “evolving ourselves” really means. We can’t do it all at once, we are layers … and it is never a destination, it is a process of layer by layer – level by level DNA re-wiring. And there would be no fun in “growing” and “expanding” it that wasn’t the case! To maximize the “growing part” – which means moving forward, it is really important to be diligent about cleaning up. The other reason the shift may not be powerful is because your ego is intervening with distractions, excuses, temptations or self-avoidance. I know point blank when this happens to me – and I know “I’m on to something big” when my mind starts jumping off onto tangents. These days I have a giggle, and state something like this “No way, I’m not falling for that … I’m honing right in!” and I do. I’ve called the bluff, and I have no fear of what I’ll find, and totally open my body up, and go straight into it with full attention. Long, long ago I stood up to my ego “You don’t frighten me anymore, and you will no longer keep me separated from myself. I’ve already ‘died’ with what I have been through because of aligning my life with you – and I am prepared to physically die by going to this pain, rather than let you run my life. You have no power over me anymore.” Naturally I didn’t ‘die’ as a result of ignoring my egos distractions and false insane promises, and by instead going inside to fully claim my painful inner programs – I was emancipated … I was re-born. But our ego can do a very good job at keeping us away from doing so, by convincing us these inner wounds will eat us alive or something “outside” is the solution. And when we are onto something big that is going to make a huge shift towards ascension (which the ego abhors because then it is out of the job of keeping pain regurgitating) THAT is when we are very likely to feel agitated, distracted, random thoughts popping in etc … Call it out – because darkness cannot operate when it’s pulled into the light – (authenticity / truth), and then get even more determined to go inwards to “be with self”, and shift the pain out. It works for me! :) I hope this helps people who may have some of the same questions! Much Love xo
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 01:11:37 +0000

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