I had someone try to tell me about Jesus. And the bible. It was so - TopicsExpress


I had someone try to tell me about Jesus. And the bible. It was so sad. This poor person did not even know who king James was. Yet they carried the bible with them every Sunday. So I started there. Christianity was forced on our race after they stole us from Africa. As slaves we were told if we stop beating drums and prayed to WHITE Jesus we could go to heaven and serve White Jesus and our white masters that went to heaven . Religion is a faith based concept. And when you are in church on SUNDAY listening to your pastor. It is his or her interpretation of what they read and how they translated what they read. By no means am I trying to stop your faith or belief. But arm yourself with knowledge and facts. Heres another thing to sleep on. I heard someone say they dont believe in ghost spooks or spirits. But yet they believe in God and the devil. If you read the bible. . Then you would have no choice but to believe. Or are you one of those people who cut parts out the bible to suite you. Dismissing what was written before or after the part you wanted to make your point. Here is your homework for you to ask your spiritual advisor. If Adam and eve had only 2 children Cain and Abel. Where did theses women from the land of Node come from.? There were certain books the Roman Catholic Church refuse to put in the bible. Sorta like when you were little and they had you in a line and told you a story. But by the time it got to you the story had changed. Be careful of what you put in your head as the truth. Deception by any other name is a LIE.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 03:33:52 +0000

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