I had the most vivid dream last night....it could have potentially - TopicsExpress


I had the most vivid dream last night....it could have potentially been considered a nightmare. I know why I had the dream...because of a song I have been doing at Easter for many years called, One Drop Of Blood, and I was looking up the words for the song yesterday...theyre incredibly Powerful.... It talks about a courtroom setting, and the guilty multitudes being brought in, with the weight of their guilt and shame, completely hopeless.....but one drop of Jesus Blood, tips the scales of justice in their favor. In my dream, I was watchin two prosecuting attorneys discussing someones history....and as they rattled off one indiscretion after the other and began talking about the time he was thrown in a dumpster for dead, behind a Chinese restaurant from a heroin overdose, the countless rehabs and psych-wards, the countless relationships ruined and on and on...I knew they were talking about me!!! I tried to cry out and tell them, Thats not me anymore!!! Jesus has changed me!!! But nothing would come out...Then I woke and set straight up in bed, heart pounding...and shaking from the reality of it.. Almost instantly, the presence of God fell in my room.... surrounding me...my comforter, and I began to cry tears of gratitude.... The devil is a liar!!! He would love nothing more than for us to believe that were not forgiven, and that our Heavenly Father couldnt possibly Love a wretch like me!! But folks He does!!! More than we can even begin to wrap our brains around...His Love is what healed this old, broken, mess of a life.... I am absolutely amazed at how far down below the bottom God will reach, to pull us out of our mess, and set out feet on a Solid Rock!! I am absolutely, not the same man those people in my dream, were talking about. Old things have passed away, behold all things become new!!! If you find yourself listening to that voice thats telling you that youre not a changed person, or youre destined to stay a mess....repeat after me....., Get behind me, you lyin devil!!! Im a Spirit filled child of The Most High King 👑!!!!! And Gods not through with me yet!!!! PEACE!!!
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 03:08:04 +0000

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