I had the occasion to go past the school the other night. - TopicsExpress


I had the occasion to go past the school the other night. Hampstead Road is somewhere I rarely go. However, I had been wondering whether the school was still there. It is, but there is major demolition work there now. I saw an opportunity to perhaps get a few pictures of the school and the work before there is nothing left. I thought maybe putting some pics on here for old scholars who never come over to this side of town or people who live interstate or overseas who might be interested as to what is happening. I found a hole in the fence and wandered in. It was completely deserted, leaving me to walk around amongst all the half derelict buildings, machinery, rubbish, temporary fences, weeds and the remains of a very miserable looking school. It was rather sad and a little emotional remembering the thousands of kids who came through here over the 43 (approx.) years and the boarded up and torn down buildings they occupied. The front wall where the mural once dominated the front of the school still remains, surprisingly, eerily very clean as if the bricks had been cleaned that very day...........strange. The iconic tree is still there, as I think it is heritage listed but looks sad also amongst all of the mounds of dirt, mud and weeds and temp. fences. The North Oval looks like it has had a road built through it into the Lightsview suburb for some time and the south oval is unrecognisable as a former oval. I stood there for a while to remember some of our football matches I played there..........great memories. I am not sure how many pictures you can put here at any one time but this post has half of what I took, and the others will appear on the next post. I decided to give the Hampstead Road school crossing one more go and amazingly it still worked and stopped the cars. I also got my souvenir brick, but I think you have a few weeks for those thinking of pinching a brick as well. Enjoy.......or not, the sad photos.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 09:58:45 +0000

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