I had this dream where I was ironically in a one-woman play. I - TopicsExpress


I had this dream where I was ironically in a one-woman play. I was ready to go, I knew my lines, and I felt the nerves grow within my stomach. Then I step out onto the stage in complete darkness taking my last few deep breaths before the curtain opens. Then in 3-2-1, the curtain opens, and a mighty light shines on my face, blinding me, warming me....so I start my one-woman show. About 10 minutes later, the play is over and the house lights come up. I expected a round of applause. I expected hoots and hollers from a audience who enjoyed my show. But I only heard applause from one person, from one set of hands. I looked around, and the house was completely empty...except the presence of one man sitting in dead center in front of me. When I got a closer look at the man, I realized that this man was the love of my life. It is like, in the dream, I knew exactly who he was...like I know him right now. I was thrilled that he was there, but yet at the same time, I was disappointed that no one else was. Finally he stopped clapping, and then all time stood still. He looked straight into my eyes, and one tear from his left eye slid down his cheek. We were connected, he loved me and I loved him. Then he softly says, That was beautiful, if only you had the right timing. I woke up. I woke up feeling devastated. Not only did I not know what the dream meant, but I also could remember every detail about this dream except the face of the man that I loved. Why would he say that to me? Man, that hurt my feelings. Yet at the same time, this dream may have served its purpose because it may be the very way God is trying to speak to me right now. Blessed.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 17:33:37 +0000

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