I happen to agree with Ted Cruz and any person with common sense. - TopicsExpress


I happen to agree with Ted Cruz and any person with common sense. The notion that one can just easily run away from a confrontation is flawed. If one cannot defend themselves then it turns them into a victim. Why is their argument flawed you may ask? Well what if during Christmas you are walking the neighborhood looking at all of the lit up houses with your wife/husband and children. What if during this time some thug comes up and tries to rob or murder you and your family? Sure you can run but what about your children? I know dang well they cannot run as fast as you. To think this is the liberal side of the argument just proves how delusional they really are. If someone were to confront me I would have my wife and kids run as fast as possible but I would not run. I would stand my ground and fight either until the thug is dead/subdued or until I am dead. Either way I will give my family a head start to get away. The fact people would rather run and not stand up for their family is well why our families are falling apart in this country. As for the whole racism issue, stand your ground helps more blacks than they do whites or any other race. That is the fact and that is not racist. I can tell you what is racist. Thinking that minorities are so fragile they need to be put in a safety zone and protected from the evil white man. I am personally tired of the liberal attitude that only whites can be racist. -KTR youngcons/ted-cruz-to-trayvon-martins-mother-im-sorry-for-your-loss-but-race-has-nothing-to-do-with-stand-your-ground-laws/
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 03:41:13 +0000

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