I hate to admit it, but Tina Griegos anti Mexican article and - TopicsExpress


I hate to admit it, but Tina Griegos anti Mexican article and bashing of Indigenous/ Raza migration makes me feel sick to my stomach! Her sources are completely absent and her validity and credibility missing like the dozens of Mexican students most recently. But, her lack of academic standards is the least of my concern! Her article reminds me of all the Indigenous, Chicano, Mexican, and Raza faces I saw in Elmwood and San Jose jails, living tragically in cages and internment camps, month after month, predominantly for non violent or petty offenses and largely because of the workings of white racist America! It reminds me of all the brown brothers I saw in Santa Cruz jails on over a dozen plus different occasions, who again were their for petty crimes, while the good old boys club continued to ride the germicidal and genocidal waves of conquest. The voice of a Cesar Chavez rings in my soul and his courage lifts the heart in his denouncing of the public beatings of Chicanos for speaking Spanish in public schools and his righteous condemnation of the treatment in the fields of the people! Olmoss Walk Out brings tears of pride to the red/brown soul for witnessing a brave youth demand dignity and honor in the face of pig repression! Soy Joaquin plays in my mind as signs with No dogs and Mexicans allowed flashes across my memories of historic studies. Griegos article reminds me of how this system has stolen $30,000 from me over the past 12 years for destroying their Columbus symbol of conquest and mandates the theft of another $40,000 compared to the $4,000 some racist rancher had to pay for killing a Mexican man who crossed the border while I was in jail, according to an article sent to me back then. Yes, they value their symbols of genocide at 17 times more than a Mexicans life; due the math! It reminds me of the millions of Indios, Mexicans, Guatemalans, El Salvadorians, Hondurans, and others, highlighted in the Mexica Handbook, killed by the American racists! It reminds me of my racist stepfather and the white culture I was adopted into, that spit racial slurs and wicked hatred against all non white cultures. It reminds me of thousands of beautiful brown babies rounded up and placed in cages by cold hearted thugs that are paid by the system to war against our poor, right before our present eyes! It reminds me of the beautiful brown faces in a Guatemalan orphanage, RIO Dulce, where children and babies had no mothers and no fathers due to wars caused by Yankee imperialism. The Panama Deception comes to mind, where the mass murder of 5,000 plus women, men, and children was a Christmas gift, so that the US could take further control of the Panama Canal! I smile as I think of a young lawyer and a young doctor uniting with a beautifully brave people from Cuba who threw out the Americans as a result of their imperialistic and vulturistic ways! Her article reminds me of pop culture movies like Man on Fire whose underlying racial message is a little white girls life is worth a black man sacrificing his life as his character is depicted as loving, loyal, and strong, while the film mostly portrays Mexicans as kidnappers, thieves, drug dealers, and betrayers! Her article reminds me of a young Andy Lopez being shot in the back 7 to 8 times for being brown. Griego forces me to relive my brother, Danny Garcias brother, Mark Garcia, viciously snuffed out of existence by seven cans of pepper spray in the hands of 14 officers. Her article makes me sick and enraged at manifest destiny, white supremacy, racial oppression, and all the cold blooded vultures praying on Indigenous and Raza life. She reminds me how American sociopaths and racists have lynched Mexicans for fun. The name of Josepha Segovia fills my heart with tears because they hanged her for standing against some sick white racist, who tried to rape her. It enrages me because Griego failed to mention the 100,000,000 plus Indigenous people wiped out in the white supremacist conquest of these lands. I think of a Ruben Salazar, who was articulate and willing to tell the truth about how white people are not superior to anyone, period, and how they blew him up for it! I remember listening to Marciano Cruz, who said he barely felt human because of the system and what it does. Carlos Padilla, with integrity and dignity, compassionately moved youth to support me years ago, blasting their sick racist stereotypes regarding Raza/Latino youth, out of the water. I still see the reactionary red faces of a few white people when a girlfriend told them she was proud to be brown! I remember the look on an old rednecks face, a friend of my stepfather, who after racially threatening me, I told him I would shoot him before he laid a hand on me. In a class at Cal State East Bay, a Chicano professor raised the stat of 12,000 Americans dying during the American Mexican War; when asked about how many Mexicans died, he said nobody cares. Nobody questioned him! If it was up to me, we would collectively produce an article addressing her many racist and jingoist points. We would divide the work and research many of her claims and counter her blatant biases and prove her wrong. We would concede any facts that are substantiated and oppose all false claims. Her white supremacist world view would be fearlessly and strongly denounced in favor of human rights for Mexican people and all people. NAFTA, GATT, US corporations, maquiladoras, and the US empires racist exploitation of Mexicans on both sides of the border would be featured and analyzed. Manifest destiny and the US Empires 1846 to 1848 War with Mexico where tens of thousands were slaughtered as part of stealing half of the nationss territories would be highlighted. The federal US budget as for spending would be analyzed in relation to her claims of billions being spent on Illegals. Her racist and stereotypical language would be denounced, and statistics would be offered as to violent crimes, serial killings, rapes, murders, armed robberies, and the like as for who are real threats to all. Then, we would get the number of the newspaper that published her article and we would flood their phones, faxes, and emails, demanding that they rescind it and apologize immediately! That of course is up to the people and not me! Viva la Lucha!
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 02:38:37 +0000

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