I have 3 ideas for restaurants that I think will work. The first - TopicsExpress


I have 3 ideas for restaurants that I think will work. The first one would be a place you could go to at night when your small child is awake and screaming. You arrive and the place looks like a tree from a fairy tale. It is lit up nice, there are things for the kid to do, and there is a kitchen open 24 hours so you can have a Burger or responsibly enjoy the establishments wine collection. When you arrive your kid gets a numbered stamp that matches yours so they cant leave without you, and you get sound dampening headphones that allow you to only hear what is on the tv. The place would be staffed with babysitters as well so if you fell asleep your kid would be fine. There would also be a mancave that included an archery range, a gym, and a place to work on wood projects. The second restaurant would be a place where all mean, nosy, or irritating in laws would not be allowed to enter. It also has a kitchen and a wine collection, as well as an indoor garage to park your car in so your mother in law cant see it from the road. All the windows are heavily tinted and an armed guard stands outside with a list of in laws names so that the mean in laws can not get in to bother you. Everywhere there are couches and big screen tvs and you dont have to leave until your in laws head out of town. The 3rd idea is a restaurant for men to go to when their wives are mad at them It is called The Doghouse. You go there, you can eat food, watch some tv, and people there with degrees in psychology help you either find a good excuse, or form a rock solid apology to smooth things over at home.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 17:00:38 +0000

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