I have a bit of an unusual request to make of everyone, and - TopicsExpress


I have a bit of an unusual request to make of everyone, and because it is unusual it will come with some back-story: A while back I spent a mind boggling amount of time on Facebook. It was the games, mostly. Play all of my games in a certain sequence, check my wall, comment on some posts, and by the time that was all said and done... why, look! The regen timer on my games had hit zero so it was time for another round. This in addition to my video games on the 360, etc... All day, everyday. The solution was as incredibly simple, and yet impossibly difficult, as with any addiction: I just stopped. Sure, weaning yourself off has its own appeal, but I eventually you come to the point where you have to cut the cord. Think about it honestly, at one point in the breaking of every bad habit you reach a point in time when you must completely stop. Sure, weaning yourself down to just once a day - regardless of what your addiction may be - sounds like it should ease the transition, but I assure you that in the end you still have to jump. Much like leaping from an airplane, it is true that youll get there safer with a parachute, but youll get there faster in free fall. Unlike jumping out of an airplane, and despite what your brain may tell you, if you just leap without a safety net (or to be more accurate to the analogy, a parachute) youre not going to die. Just gotta decline the jetpacks and avoid boarding alternate airplanes on the way to the ground! All that being said, and a long round about way to get to my request, I ask this small favor of you: As you play your games (good on you, if you dont) send invites to me. As you do so, I will block them. Odd, I know, and it does not sound like it will do any major good. I mean, these days there is no real prompting to reply to game requests. You kind of have to seek your requests out to even see anything better than how many you have. Simply put, it gives me an odd sort of satisfaction to block Facebook games now. Like buying the last of something I dont need (just because it is the last one), or eating exactly six Oreo cookies at a time (even if it is the mint variety that makes my stomach upset beyond the fourth one). It is just one of the simple things in life that puts a smile on my face. If you do this for me, feel free to tell your friends about it, too. If it means I have to add people to the Acquaintance list in order to enable me to feed this new (arguably) healthier addiction, so be it. Thank you all so very much for taking the time to read this.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 16:13:48 +0000

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