I have a challenge for everyone. With thanksgiving right around - TopicsExpress


I have a challenge for everyone. With thanksgiving right around the corner i would like to ask everyone to take part in this. Instead of going and flooding the malls and stores on BlackFriday, go out and be with the people who need it most. I would like to ask that each and everyone of us go and give to someone who cannot give back, go and find someone who has nothing(and yes i mean the homeless) and give them something to remember whether it be encouraging words, a couple bucks for a bus ride where they need to go, or even a hot meal, give them something. Alot of people think that it is all about them and that they are unaffected by anything outside their life, well i got some news for those people we are all in this together and we all need to work together to survive, man and woman, dog and cat, birds and bees, every living on this planet depends on one another for survival now it is or turn to give back. I would like to ask everyone from the kids all the way to the president that this thanksgiving you go out and share life with some random person someone you dont know, and show them that you care, show them that they are not alone, and that no one gets left behind. I ask you to set aside you pride and got off your high horse and help those who need it most. I want to ask you to do this not to prove to me or anyone else that you can do this but prove it to yourself and show yourself that even in the hardest times you are still able to help those in need. So just this once i want you to make the move to rid our planet of poverty and homelessness. If we can do this im sure we can do it again, because in the end its not what kind of car you drive or how big of a house you own or how much money you have, because that means nothing , what matters the most is how many people to helped out along the way when they needed it and what you were able to give even when you had little as it is, because if you were in their position you would ask them same thing, for someone ti give you a helping hand. This goes to all the rich people in the world; get off your high horse and give back to those who need it and prove to us that you too can give even when you dont want to, i am calling out all celebrities and all business men and women even the president or leader of every country to take a second and not think about yourself, and for those of you who already do i salute you, but you can do better and you know it. Help out you brothers and sisters this thanksgiving and prove to everyone that you are not selfish and not greedy and not a narrsissit. Ok back to everyone, i would be over joyed see this happen all across the world, but start small right. I want to ask one more thing, help me share this and get the word out once you finish reading this and get this to everyone you know, not because i want to be famous or anything but because you and i both know the more people involved in this the better. Share this with everyone and get the word out, lets try for less greed and more selflessness, lets say no to black Friday and yes to giving to those in need, because lets be honest if you can afford to spend thousands of dollars on useless crap then you can give atleast alittle to some one who needs it and if you cant do this for whatever reason, come talk to me ill help you out anyway i can. Unless ofcourse your too greed and selfish come find me so i can smack you upside the head and slap the disrespect and stupidity out of you. Anyway i hope this gets around and people actually do this because i think this would be amazing if we started treating our family like family, because brothers and sisters we are all on this journey together, while we take our separate routes we must the humble enough to take a second and help those who need it because finishing first is not the goal, finishing alive and surrounded by good people by our family, i believe it the true goal and reward.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 05:50:28 +0000

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