I have a confession to make. I have watched some of you complain - TopicsExpress


I have a confession to make. I have watched some of you complain and even struggle after yet another Facebook change to your newsfeed or timeline. From picture sizing to recent posts vs. popular there have been a seemingly endless number of changes. Who wants this? I read people saying. Who could this possibly be for? Its for me. I am Facebooks target demographic. Every change has made me happy. Moving the search box? I loved it. New graph search? I couldnt be happier. This was proved yet again today when the new anti-Upworthy algorithm tweak was announced. (It probably wont actually affect Upworthy even though some think it will because Upworthy does engage people beyond the click-bait headline, but Ive had Upworthy blocked from my timeline for so long I wont know.) This algorithm tweak? Its going to scrub all the Upworthy-wannabes.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 14:23:02 +0000

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