I have a knee scooter! Yep, I do. Hope this helps with the - TopicsExpress


I have a knee scooter! Yep, I do. Hope this helps with the swelling-if-Im-on-my-feet problem. Donna Bunch, thanks so much for the home delivery! I intend to trick this baby out, even if it is a rental! I figure, do a bell or horn, in pink, of course, a basket, in pink, and some of those things that hang from the handle bars---again, pink---and oh, yeah, a big pink bow! Wit bling! And shes MOBLIE! This sitting is one of the toughest things Ive ever had to do, and frankly, I dont do it well. But maybe, just maybe, there is a lesson here to be learned. Sitting in this chair with my foot propped on a pillow with a blue rubber ice bag Ive started calling Wilson (think Tom Hanks in Castaway) has given me a new perspective on my house, my life, my mobility, my attitude, and my relationship with God. Ive had time to pray, read, and write some, but no messages. If you normally read my postings, youve noticed there havent been any. Thats because I havent gotten any. But when Donna and Mike came this evening with my new ride, I got one. About scooters. This little baby is configured so that one knee, on my bad side, is bent and placed on a padded seat thing. The other leg, my good one, pushes, just like a childs scooter. Its great because my surgical foot gets the elevation it needs, but I can still be mobile. I can still be productive. I can still get around. I can do a bunch of things that I havent been able to do. Such is life. There are seasons to life; seasons to be the bug, seasons to be the windshield. Seasons to raise your children, seasons to see them raise their children. Were not quite in that season yet! And there are seasons to take care of the road maintenance that we all need to do on our bodies. Im in such a season. Working toward my marathon season! Im in a scooter season. Yep. A scooter season. Im down, but not out. Slowed, but not stopped. Delayed, but not done. Because there are a hundred things Ive found that I can do from right in my chair. Praying is a biggie. Sometimes just a sentence prayer, but sometimes a real intercession. My Lord and My God know this should never be underestimated. Its the most important thing we can ever do for someone. Reading the Bible is another, getting into the Word, listening to it on the I-net, its all good. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word. I love to read, but had lost some of the fervor for it. Couldnt make myself sit still long enough to enjoy it anymore. I have rediscovered that passion. Ive reconnected on FB, the phone, and by mail with friends and family. (Thanks for the mascara, Leigh Ann!) I discovered TJ Maxx online. But thats another story, and I digress. Seriously, a person should never count what he or she CANT do, but focus on what they CAN do. Best to look at what you have and can share, forget what you have not. I cant do the campout thing at church, but I can help with the cost. I cant help with cleaning out the old church for VBS, but I can contribute by studying for the Bible station, and giving my share toward the cost. I can encourage a friend who is down, grieving, or hurting. What a privilege! I have spent quality time with all of my boys---Jake has been the go-to man for everyday stuff, Evan has hauled me to the doctor, Tyler sent flowers and has done some heavy lifting, besides sitting with me. Terry has been a trooper, holding down both his moms house and ours with yard work and chores. Got to slow down and talk with Mom and Dad more frequently (she has to sit too, after her surgery!). What Im saying is there are times when life is a 757 and there are times when life is a scooter. And God is not surprised by either. He has orchestrated your life and mine to be exactly what He wants it to be at every given time! His childrens steps are ordered by Him! If we are obedient and stay in His will. Have learned several things during this process, and I have another surgery July 1. So meanwhile, I will listen for God to speak, I am learning to do that more. Seek His will more, and trying to remember that I dont have to fight all the battles myself. Spend more time with Him, less on the computer. Ouch or Oh me! Because it is scooter time, baby! So if you hear my little bell or horn, whichever I get, lead, follow, or get out of my way! Because there is a work still to be done, and even when you think youre through and God has used you all He can, watch out! You may be in a transition season for a new work! Think youre too old, slow, shy, or not gifted? Oh. My. Goodness. Watch out. Thats when God can REALLY use you. Humble yourself; ask Him for new direction, new ministry. Then be open to HIS leading. He is waiting to take you places youve never even thought of or dreamed about! Hop on Gods scooter and lets roll!
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 00:21:27 +0000

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