I have a vision. A vision that in next millennium all religions - TopicsExpress


I have a vision. A vision that in next millennium all religions will vanish.There is no need for a religion to make human civilization morally good and benefiting each other (Its a false belief and has rather inflicted some serious scars and still continues to do so). I believe that we all will discover the fact that we are mere stardust, being one among many in this vast, mind-numbing ginormous universe and not particularly intelligent (I am speaking as a matter of fact on behalf of science). We will accept the fact that religion no matter how much spiritually moving and revealing insights it once offered, were simply concepts belonging to time gone by (On behalf of being a keen student of history). As a human we need to know that we are not the center of universe and not everything is made for us. We are the by-product and therefore perhaps, this is the fitting time for human to know of a more capable and developed civilization somewhere in this universe. It will work like what Copernican principles did to Geocentric theory and the anthropocentric view at its core. The people on this earth might then unite and my idea of perfect world will take shape. The whole world will be one nation and all human its denizens... There will be no political boundaries to tell you this is poor nation and that one is rich or say this is new world and that the third world. And I believe this idea of mine will one day start turning into reality. #Gaza, #Palestine, #Israel, #MiddleEast #India #Pakistan, #nationalism
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 19:03:00 +0000

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