I have always been fortunate to have loving parents who supported - TopicsExpress


I have always been fortunate to have loving parents who supported me in whatever I wanted to do! Gymnastics was my love and they found a way to pay for it on a limited income! My mom even worked at the studio to help pay for my passion! Now, I am married to a man who again supports me in anything I want to do! We use to joke about the diet I was about to start, me saying I am losing 20 pounds, just you watch! Sadly, I said this for about 12 years, always trying something that never worked or was too hard to maintain! My weight was up and down, and up and down! In 2011, I said I wanted my Masters degree in Nursing, I wasnt working full time at that time so we were going to have to pay for it! He supported me, I started that fall! Shortly after, I got full time hours and was still in school and trying to be my daughters taxi driver! It all became a bit too much, so he encouraged me to quit work to pursue my degree full time! I did that in May 2012! I graduated with my MSN in Healthcare Administration in May 2013! At the end of August of that same year, still not working and playing taxi for Allison, I decided to start another one of those diets! I was really skeptical, had no interest in ever doing it as a business, I just wanted to focus on me! I remember telling my friend, I really dont need to work! As my journey began to unfold, without even trying, people wanted to know what I was doing, they could see the difference in me! I started to share what I was doing and people joined me! Some are still with me, some have fallen off, regardless, you always have to do whats best for YOU! For me, I am thankful that I stuck it out! Not only has this transformed me physically but now is a way for me to bring in a secondary source of income to my family from the comfort of my home! I have easily replaced my part time nursing income and have no plans of using my Masters degree sadly! Even my husband is beginning to understand the potential here, he thought I was crazy but has now begun to want to learn more about the comp plan since theres no security right now in healthcare! I am truly blessed to have found this perfect vehicle to make all my dreams come true! I laugh when people say its a pyramid scheme! Corporate Americas business structure is just that! You will never make more than your manager or boss or the CEO of a company! No matter how hard you work or exhibit exceptional work habits, its not going to happen! What I love about this is that you are in total control of your income potential, with no ceiling to the amount of money you can make! You decide how hard you are going to work and put the effort in you want to! The company is stable with a compensation plan that cannot be matched having just named their 126th millionaire in 13 years and many many more making high 6 figure incomes! I figure, why cant I be one of those people! I have big dreams! I want to retire my husband from his stressful job and work together, create as many 6-7 figure income earners on my team as I possibly can and continue to help all those who want to reach their health and wellness goals! I have stumble upon an opportunity of a lifetime, one that I am not taking lightly! Love being part of a movement that is changing the world, that is backed by research and science and that is committed to supplying the best products in the world investing millions into quality assurance! Quality was my passion in my nursing career and it has spilled over into this one too! Thankful for the continued support from not only my husband but my family and friends! Blessed to be living the life that I am! Thank you to those who have trusted me and joined me on this incredible journey! Looking forward to helping those that have been on and off the fence for awhile now! I will be here, I am not going anywhere! XOXO #believe2achieve #blessed
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 16:50:39 +0000

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