I have always viewed life, and death, from a slightly different - TopicsExpress


I have always viewed life, and death, from a slightly different angle to the rest of humanity. Because of this I have found myself judged, and persecuted by others. I have never blamed them for doing so. After all, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I have, however, learned to be very cautious when sharing my opinions and beliefs with others. Ive learned to respect others opinions and beliefs, and learned to listen and learn from them too! Having said this. I have spent two days pondering whether or not to post this message on Facebook, and simply could not come to a decision! Who might take offense? Is it my place to say anything? Will people understand what Im trying to convey? All these thoughts and question and no answer! Then, just now, the answer came to me. And the answer was simple! Rentius will appreciate and understand my message! So here are the random ramblings of a mad man named Jacques... LIFE? Possibly the oldest, unanswered, question on earth! Well, to me, life has always felt like school. I believe we have been put on this planet for simply one thing... To make mistakes and learn from them! To learn as much as we can in the time alloted to us! To experience as much as we can and explore the beauty and wonder of this place! To LIVE! Then, when our time comes, to pass on... Pass on to another realm with all the wisdom and knowledge we gathered here. To die. But at the same time, on the other side, in that other realm, we are born! Just like we were born into this realm! So while it is very sad and devastating for all of us to have a loved one pass on, so too it should be a celebration! So Rentius, my dear friend... I would like to wish you a very happy birthday for yesterday! And tell you that we all love you and miss you terribly! I would also like to congratulate you on graduating from this school of life! But most importantly, I would like to wish you a very happy 2nd birthday on the other side, and celebrate it with you! In conclusion... You see, human beings are wired and programmed all weird! We always seem to be blinded by our emotions! Because we miss Rentius, we tend to focus on the negative and totally overlook the true wonders and joy he is now experiencing... LIVING! Happy birthday dude!
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 20:46:48 +0000

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