I have been a conservative all my life and have usually voted - TopicsExpress


I have been a conservative all my life and have usually voted Republican. However, as I have gotten involved in the discussion about moving the Draper prison, I have been totally and completely shocked at the the level of corruption and conflict of interest in Utah politics. I have also been stunned by the level of arrogance, pride, and condescension coming from some of Utahs Republican officials. It feels to me like they have actual disdain for the the people they serve. Yesterday, I watched the speaker-elect of Utah (Greg Hughes) lecture a group of well-intentioned and well-behaved citizens who were doing nothing more than peacefully protesting the placement of a prison next to where they and their children live. He could have just said, Thanks for sharing your concerns and feedback and for participating in the democratic process. Instead, he chose to lecture the group about the Golden Rule and told them they were lucky to have any voice at all because this could all be done in secret if they complain too loudly. I expect better than this from our Utah Republican leaders. This is not good leadership. I was deeply disappointed not just by what our Republican leaders are doing (shoving Drapers problems down another communitys throat to make money) but also by *how* they were doing it and the things they were saying to concerned citizens. Watching these good people being lectured by this politician (with a clear personal conflict of interest in this case) who was acting like a king who could silence his subjects, awoke something in me. It made me consider, for the first time, that maybe my more liberal friends are correct. It is incredibly unhealthy to have only one party in charge in Utah. It leads to corrupt, unresponsive, and entitled lawmakers who dont answer to anyone. I guess, today, I am a little less naive about Utah politics. As I engaged on this issue, I saw what my liberal friends have warned me about, and I need to think long and hard about what this means for my future as a voter. Always having the majority can *most definitely* lead to the kind of unchecked unrighteous dominion and arrogance that I witnessed yesterday. Very disappointing and disheartening.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 13:08:50 +0000

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