I have been challenged to a 25 things about me...I find myself - TopicsExpress


I have been challenged to a 25 things about me...I find myself quite boring, but here goes.. 1. My favorite color is purple. 2. My favorite flowers are lilies and pink roses. 3. At 18 I was close to getting my pilots license until my instructor and another student were killed. I havent been in a Cessna since, and never will be again. 4. I played Goalie and Defense in Soccer from the ages of 4-18. 5. My favorite foods are Pizza and anything Mexican. 6. I can be a really hard person to love sometimes b/c of the walls Ive built up to guard myself. It will take a really strong, amazing person to knock them all down. 7. The death of my mom will never stop haunting me. FU CANCER! 8. Its literally amazing that Im still alive. If you truly know me, you will know why. 9. Most people have no idea I can actually sing. 10. Im told on a daily basis I should consider doing stand-up comedy... 11. I am extremely loyal when it comes to my friendships. 12. At 17 I auditioned against Reese Witherspoon and a couple of other girls for a role in a movie. Reese got the part.. 13. My favorite drinks are Dr. Pepper and Un-sweet tea. And of course, Red Wine. 14. My favorite sitcom of all time is Roseanne. 15. I will immediately change the station when a Nickelback song comes on. 16. 6yrs ago I suffered a near fatal DVT and Pulmonary Embolism and survived a serious prescription drug addiction after. Refer back to #8. 17. Im a horrid morning person..And serious night owl. Hence the horrid morning person part. 18. Ive never once been to jail. If you were a part of our group in HS, you totally get what an amazing feat that truly is. We had a little too much fun. ALL..THE..TIME.. 19. NYC is my favorite place in the world. 20. I dont like leftovers. They just dont taste the same. 21. I cant stand 14k gold. I prefer silver. 22. I hate having a messy house/clutter. But after 4 kids I have learned to deal with it. 23. It took me a long time to believe that God does in fact exist, and to believe in the power of prayer. 24. My 8 yr old son had open heart surgery last January. In June 2010 my nephew(RIP)had several in his 12 short days here on earth. Therefore, hands down they will both forever be my little heroes. 25. As adventurous as I am you will never in a million years get me to bungee jump or skydive. Have a great week friends!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 03:37:31 +0000

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