I have been debating with The Lord of whether to share some things - TopicsExpress


I have been debating with The Lord of whether to share some things about myself here on this Face book page. First off I want people to know that I am sold out to serving The Lord without any doubt. I have nothing to hide. Its God who has had mercy and God who justifies any of us period. I have noticed here on Facebook some of the advertisements to search for criminal behavior of people. That is sometimes good for some people to do I suppose to search out another....if a person has something to hide. I have nothing to hide. I freely admit that I was a drinker, a drug addict, and had a bad temper. My life was filled with wrong things. I would not tell anyone else to do what I am doing here with posting their past, but I am making a point, whether I get judged in a bad way or not. I trust The Lord to show Himself for who He is and what He wants to do for any who will turn to Him in truth in their heart. To those who really want a change in their lives, God is able if we allow Him to. I realize that as a minister of the Gospel that people seem to think that God has called only the good to serve Him and that I may have no business being a minister of and for Him. I realize there are those who would do wrong and then say Jesus is for them, using our Lord as an excuse for the wrong that they have done. Romans 8:33 Who shall bring any charge against Gods elect ( someone chosen ). It is God who justifies. Sometimes it seems that people,and it is evident who they are are very condemning of people of whom God has sent His Son for. It was for those who needed the Great physician in their lives. The word of God states that there is now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, and if our own heart tries to condemn us God is greater than our hearts. My friends, there is nothing greater in this life than serving The One, Jesus Christ. Lets serve Him in truth, not committing sin, but walking in His Spirit. If for any reason anyone thinks of themselves as spiritual and holy, let them also remember that Jesus came to save those who are lost and wrapped up in sin. Jesus came to set people free from sin AND ITS ACTIONS, AND ITS EFFECTS. We need to be careful that we do not think more highly of ourselves than we ought to, knowing The Word has shown that all have sinned and came short of having God in our lives, having His glorious salvation working in us. We have this seal as stated in 2 Timothy 2:19 The foundation of God ( we all know what a foundation is ) stands, having this seal; The Lord knows those who are His. and let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity ( SIN ). In Matthew 7:16-20 it tells us how we can tell those who are His. Verse 16 says You will know them by their fruits ( plural ). Do men gather grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles? God knows those who are His and uses them for the work of the Gospel being taught, and to show His good works in a persons life for His glory that is only due Him. This is why we are warned to not judge unless we should be judged. We are not to condemn others, but the sins that are evident we judge. Lets remember what we are to judge and what we are not to judge. We hate the sin but love the sinner. We need to remember if we claim to be a Christian, those who Jesus came and died for giving His life in place of ours. The work He did then still stands today. We without Christ cannot have the right kind of thinking or actions. Jesus Christ came so that we might have eternal salvation in Him, and its through Him alone. We cannot use His name thinking we are able to escape things in this life or the next without His salvation at work in our life as some people tend to think. You are either in for The Lord or your not. A person cannot play like they are. They only fool themselves. God sees, and searches the heart and minds of people. He knows each and everyone of us. If we are going to hide then lets be found to be hidden in Christ and Him alone and not of those things that are unprofitable. God bless!
Posted on: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 18:59:26 +0000

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