I have been reading a lot of crap (i.e., negative publicity) about - TopicsExpress


I have been reading a lot of crap (i.e., negative publicity) about the ALS Association. What really pisses me off about this blowback is that the people writing articles about it are ignoring the actual data they present. For instance, they say Only 27% of the money goes to ALS research, implying that the rest of it goes into the pockets of the greedy CEO and others who run the Association. Well, the truth is that yes, only 27% goes to research. But the Association also spends 19% on patient and community services and 32% on public and professional education! Their mission is not just to fund research! The independent Charity Navigator gives the Association 4 out of 4 stars. For the fiscal year ending January 31, 2014, only 7% was spent on administrative costs and 19% was spent on fundraising. What is really awesome is that this social media challenge has, in less than a month, raised almost FIVE TIMES the amount of money ALSA was able to raise in all of last year! I have also heard someone say that so few people have ALS (it is estimated 30,000 Americans have it), we should give our money to other charities where there is a more pressing need. I find this to be a ludicrous statement. I guarantee if you or one of your loved ones has ALS, you would consider research on the illness and support for those with the illness to be a pressing need. So I say go ahead and take the ice-bucket challenge. Donate to the ALS Association knowing that your money will be spent appropriately. And if you have another charity to which you prefer to donate, go ahead and donate to them as well! But to all you naysayers out there who are dissing the ice-bucket challenge: Quit pouring cold water on this campaign! If you want to send your money elsewhere, feel free. But stop spreading lies about this noble cause and this worthwhile charity.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 18:11:34 +0000

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