I have been reading many hate-filled comments about Israel and - TopicsExpress


I have been reading many hate-filled comments about Israel and Jews on FB these last several days. While I have shown restraint with many of these, I have felt compelled to reply to some of them, as I feel an obligation to address them now. For all those who would call Israel an Apartheid State, and refer to the Israelis as terrorists and savages, here are some facts that will dispute those claims and prove your ignorance. 1. In the Knesset, the Israeli Parliament, there is a contingency of Arab representatives with the same voting rights as Jewish members of the Knesset. Is THAT Apartheid? 2. Israel is the ONLY country in the Middle East where all people are guaranteed the right to practice ANY religion without fear of consequences or fear of ones life. That is not true in Muslim countries. Is THAT Apartheid? 3. If you look in Israeli hospitals, you will not find hidden missiles and rockets. You will see Jewish and Arab doctors and nurses working side by side to care for and save the lives of both Jewish AND PALESTINIAN patients. Last week an Arab doctor was name to a chief position at Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem. Is THAT Apartheid? 4. Both Arab and Jewish students attend Israeli schools and universities and both groups receive the same education. Is THAT Apartheid? 5. Israel supplies Gaza with their electricity and medicines, because Hamas will not spend the money on the infrastructure to improve the lives of Palesinians. Is THAT Apartheid? For all the hypocrites in the world, like Emma Thompson and Danny Glover and Roger Waters who advocate the BDS movement, the first thing they should do is throw away their cell phones because the technology for the cell phone was developed in ISRAEL BY ISRAELIS! And by all means, if they or their love ones fall ill, they had better not avail themselves of the newest medical treatments because, those, too, are being developed in ISRAEL BY ISRAELIS! In fact, Israel has been on the forefront of so many medical, scientific and technological breakthroughs for the betterment of mankind. What have the Muslim countries contributed for the betterment of mankind lately? The Jewish people comprise only 1/2 of 1% of the worlds population, yet have been awarded 41% of the Nobel prizes in medicine and science. Savages? For those who call the Israelis terrorists, I ask you to consider the following: It was not the Israelis who carried out the horrors of 911. It was not the Israelis who murdered 11 athletes at the Munich Olympics. It was not the Israelis who kidnapped hundreds of young school girls in Africa. It was not the Israelis who beheaded American and British citizens on national TV. It was not Israelis who kidnapped and brutally murdered 3 teenage boys then dumped their bodies in a shallow grave. It is not the Israelis who train suicide bombers to blow up buses with women and children on them. It is not the Israelis who strap explosives on 12 year old boys then instruct them to go and talk to Israeli soldiers at checkpoints then detonate the explosives. Is was not the Israelis who crucified 8 Christians in Iraq this past week. It is not the Israelis who build underground tunnels to sneak commandos into the country to carry out a plan to massacre innocent civilians on Rosh Hashanah. It is not the Israelis who use their civilians as human shields and hide missiles in their homes, schools and hospitals. All those atrocities have been carried out by Muslims. The IDF has done its best to warn the Palestinian citizens of an imminent attack to give them the chance to seek shelter. Does Hamas warn Israeli citizens before launching missiles into their homes? For those who scream that Israel should stop occupying Gaza, study current events and history. Israel completely pulled out of Gaza 9 years ago. They dismantled all the settlements, forcibly removed the Israeli citizens, and withdrew all their military personnel and tanks. ISRAEL DOES NOT OCCUPY GAZA!! What the Israelis did leave in Gaza, however, was cement and greenhouses for growing flowers and produce for export. This was supposed to help kick start the economy for the Palestinian people. What did they do? They demolished all the greenhouses then elected Hamas to their government, who used the cement to build underground tunnels to carry out acts of terrorism. How much better are they living now under Hamas rule? The US sends 400 million dollars to the PA every year. Instead of building the infrastructure and improving the lives of the Palestinian people, they use it for rockets and missiles and explosives, while the people continue to live in squalid conditions in many neighborhoods. Is it a wonder many Palestinian mothers have their babies delivered in Israeli hospitals? Here is another bit of information. In the history of the Middle East, there has never been a designated area of land with clearly defined borders that was known as a Palestinian homeland. The people are a part of a larger indigenous Arab population. They have no distinct language, religion, or culture of their own. They were thrown out of Jordan years ago. Why is it that no Muslim country has offered to take them in and give them a home? It is because nobody wants them. During the British Occupation of the the area now called Israel, Gaza and the West Bank, it was called Palestine by the British after the name given to the area by the Romans. During that time, both Arabs and Jews living there were referred to as the Palestinian people. When the UN resolution declared statehood for Israel in 1948, the newly formed Israeli government openly invited the Arabs to stay and live and work side by side with the Jewish people to build the country together. If they had been smart, they would have celebrated the 66th birthday of their country, too. How did the Arabs respond? They attacked. That did not work out too well for them. as the British Occupation ended, they turned over Jerusalem to Jordan, and it was then named Trans-Jordan. During Jordans control of the city, no Jew was permitted to enter the Old City and worship at the Western Wall. Can you imagine that? Israel won Jerusalem back from Jordan during the 1967 War. For years weve heard about the plight of the Palestinian Refugees. There was never a cry of outrage when thousands of a Jews were forced to flee from Iraq and Iran years ago. What about the plight of the Jewish refugees who were forced to leave the countries of their birth? One closing bit of essay. For millennia, the Jewish people have been conquered and vanquished by the likes of the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Persians, the Greeks, the Egyptians, the Romans, the Inquizition, and finally, the Nazis. Where all of them now? WE ARE STILL HERE!!! Israel will never be defeated by acts of terrorism, and anti-Semitism. Understand that if nothing else. If Hamas, Hezbollah, Al-Queda, Isis, Bokoo Haram, and the Muslim Brotherhood were wiped off the face of the earth, the world would be a kindler, gentler place and NOBODY WOULD MISS THEM. Please remember that Israel did not ask for this war. It was instigated by Hamas, who kidnapped and murdered 3 boys, then reigned missiles over Israel. Israel has the right to defend herself and her people, as any nation in the world would do. I cannot abide comments about a disproportionate response. Hamas bears the responsibility for the deaths and casualties of the Palestinian people, whom they do not care about. For all those who feel you must leave a hateful, spiteful reply, calling for the death of all the Jews and wishing for the return of Hitler, etc., while you are guaranteed the freedom to do so, here, in America, know that by doing so, you prove to the world that you are an ignorant, despicable ass. I will promptly delete those comments because I have the right to do so. Now I go to light my Shabbos candles and wish all Shabbat Shalom. May God Bless Israel and the IDF forever.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 00:18:47 +0000

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