I have been sick with the flu for over 2 weeks and in that time, - TopicsExpress


I have been sick with the flu for over 2 weeks and in that time, God has gotten my attention. Sometimes, we go through a rough time so God can speak to us. We are so busy with the daily hustle and bustle of life, that we fail to remember that God wants us to stop so that He can talk to us. I have learnt one very valuable lesson through this time, as well as others, but this one really it home with me, it is that we can get off track, when we lose sight of what God is trying to do. Recently, I made a major misstep, God had given me an assignment and because of a need elsewhere, I stepped in to do what I thought was right, but it wasnt God. I was well equipped to fill the position, only because I trusted in God to lead and guide, but it wasnt mine to fill. Hear me well, I didnt sin against God, but I stepped into a position that was not mine to take. After I had taken the position, the Lord gave me a dream, in which I was told to resign, at first, I fought what I dreamt, but the Holy Spirit continually dealt with me to take care of this situation. I take full responsibility for what I did, so by going to the Pastor and resigning, was the first step in correcting my error. I have had to make it right and I have done so, but that doesnt mean others will understand what God is teaching me or where I am going from here. Recently, I shared with you a devotion about others not being able to walk in your shoes and you not being able to walk in theirs. I caution those that dont understand, not to judge what someone else is going through, for surely when you do, you will find yourself in that same position. I can speak from experience. I have learnt to worry about myself and let God deal with others. Each experience makes me stronger, for the next time I will seek God until I get the full details, before I step out. God didnt tell me no, so I moved, if I had waited He would have given me the whole picture. Sometimes we want to rectify a wrong that has been done in our lives and in doing so, we make a misstep. I now have gotten back on track, asking God to forgive me and stay in what I know God has called me to do. I am sure, this is not the only misstep I will make, but with the help of the Holy Spirit, I will stay on track. I have used this passage of scripture time and time again, and once again, I will share it today. Proverbs 3:6, In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. I would rather step out than not move at all, as long as my heart is pure towards the Lord...A dear Man of God told us one time, that it is better to let God pull you back, than have to push you along. Never forgotten these great words of wisdom...
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 20:00:49 +0000

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