I have been silent during the Martin-Zimmerman story but now I - TopicsExpress


I have been silent during the Martin-Zimmerman story but now I would like to express my humble opinion. This story is a real-life tragedy that could have been avoided if 1) Zimmerman had listened to the Police dispatcher and not followed Martin & 2) if Martin had gone straight to his girlfriend’s house and not confronted Zimmerman. The unfortunate fact is that they both stubbornly went after each other which lead to a dead young man and 2 destroyed families. Yes TWO destroyed families! The Martin family does not have their son anymore and no person or no action will bring him back. As a mother of two boys, I cannot fathom the idea of losing a son and my heart goes out to his mother. The Zimmerman family does not have liberty. They have forever lost their liberty to do any activity that we take for granted…simple things like going to the park with the kids, going to the grocery store or going to Church on Sunday. I cannot image not being able to visit my Lord on Sunday, can you? I’m certain that George will NEVER get rid of the guilt of having killed a young man but his ultimate Judge is God, not the Judge or Jury that granted him his so called freedom. Finally, I would like to say “SHAME ON YOU!” to a few people: Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson crying for Social Justice and Equality. LIARS! You want REVENGE and RETRIBUTION which has placed an even larger wedge between Blacks and Whites. And finally, Treyvon’s parents who are continuously exploiting the death of their son by putting more gasoline on the Social Justice fire. How about forgiveness? And turn the other cheek? And my final question: What would Jesus do?
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 19:05:55 +0000

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