I have decided I can no longer compare myself to other people or - TopicsExpress


I have decided I can no longer compare myself to other people or to my idea of what other people are or who they think I should be. God gave me several roles. Super-woman is not one of them... I am a wife, a homemaker, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a woman, an educator, a child of God.... Most of the time I Am Mom. Thats the role I hear and see the most. Right now I am lifesupport to a baby who God willing will grace this world in less than a month. I dont know about the rest of you moms out there who always seem to have it together and whose house always seems clean... But right now mine is not; infact there is not a room in my house that is cleaned or organized and it has been like that for months. My mind is so willing to get everything done that needs to be or that I want to have done. But other things just keep getting in my way... Like training our kids to be respectful, God honoring, loving, productive people. And teaching them to read, write and add. Helping with the endless house projects, etc... Getting the basics such as laundry and dishes finished is exhausting and lately only gets done by Gods grace. Then theres this big belly... I believe I have reached the pace of a sloth in ability to move around. I am so grateful for an understanding, helpful husband. I am so thankful for a God who loves me and teaches me, who is patient with my constant goofs, who give me grace each day to do what I need to for that day. No I am not Super-Mom or that mom that I have so envied her clean/ organized life, nor do I care to be. I am finally learning to stop for the little moments and realize that I cant do it all... all the time. So stop on by anytime. I do not promise that my house will be clean... (Give me fair warning and it will be cleaner.) But you are always welcome. And if you see my house and feel sorry. Dont... Or overwhelmed, well I did give you fair warning. (Dont get me wrong I strive for clean & organized; however, Im finally learning there are more important things than always having a clean house.) I write this to encourage those of you who may have felt like I did/do. Believing that we have to be a Super Woman.... Its a lie and you are not alone. :-) Have a blessed day!
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 21:23:18 +0000

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