I have defined truth in my life and the pursuit of it. It is in - TopicsExpress


I have defined truth in my life and the pursuit of it. It is in these defines that targets are created, goals if you please? It is in our goals defined through the desires of our hearts, not our want to of dreams that life is established. It is great to dream, but better to discipline a plan of action and choose commitment over vague dreams. I often rethink my actual dreams at night. God says he speaks through these to us, like it or not (Job 33:14-16). It is in our reception of truth ,not just our perception, not our interpretation, to receive that God wants a relationship with us for the betterment of his world. We are his hands and his feet and his voice until his return, this is his Spirit in us. We are prophetic. We are principled. We are begotten. He is the source of truth for our love, relationship, understanding, and peace. He is all this and more. Not just the eternal then, but the eternal now, as well. That being said, the current events of this world are not new and not the problem. These are symptoms. Symptoms are a warning. Symptoms are the superficial, but the investigation to the check mate resolve. It is in patterning these symptoms that we connect the dots to the reverse starting point of the root. The root it is the seed point. It is in the resolve of where we origin truth. If I self-declare that I am the origin of truth, then I am an obvious failure of self-righteousness. Could we make this synonymous with pride? So pride is the stem of many symptoms. I believe we are to love ourselves first. Then we can learn to love others. This is not the interpretation of pride; this is the discovery of self. When we discover ourselves, we define our destinies. My self is not eternal, parthenogenetic, or omniscient. When I discover myself, I am humbled. I am humbled that I am not an island, nor self-sufficient. The discovery of my self recognizes that I am needful, needful of others to be needed and needful of others to supply need. This is the purity of love. Not what I get, but what I give. When I come to this understanding, I have to ask why. It is in my why, that I discover GOD. It is the resolve of question. The question of intricate design, emotion, being, and presence, and the symbiance of all of us; the wonder of the universe exposed is the resolve of humanity that there is a GOD. Your only other choice is chance. If all of existence is chance, than there is no purpose, just chances. There is only survival. There is only consumption. There is only greed. Wow! Maybe that is why the love of money is the root of all evil? This is truth defined, peeled back in layers to expose the seed. Herein is the exposure of what has become of politics. A system of greed and dollar chasing that is actually a business?!? Selling seats to lobbyist and party lines that spend their time dividing us over issues that our self-righteous and prideful. Politics, Political Science, and Lobbying, are the graduate classes of greed. What was once the guiding of truth around mental road blocks has become the deceptive practicing of covering truths! This mastery is the mystery of political pandering. This is the purchasing of truth to be lost in an email. This is the killing of innocent to justify a war for profit. This is the murdering of life to cover the fact of bad choices. This is the justification of selfish of want to satisfy my appetite for the propensity to consume. These are the twists of humanity that have become the business of politics. We have succumbed to the vanity of self to offer our continuance of the same. This is the defining of our life, our epitaph. When we know our end destination, we can determine our planned route. Not that our route is without detours, road blocks, and obstacles, but that when faced with these adversities we know our cause by destination and purpose. This makes life livable with intent, rather than the haphazard scrambles of confusion that attacks us daily. Define our self in words. Define yourself in a cluster of words. These become the exposing of appetite and either the defining of consumption or the defining of rebirth and propagation. These are the resolves of human rights. This is the resolve of our Constitution. This was the birth of a nation. This is our time to reclaim it! Reclaiming our nation is not by continuing business as usual. Reclaiming our nation is the exposing of intent. The separation of “We the people” from tyrannical government purposes that has destroyed our world. I am all for free enterprise, but not at the cost of our next generation’s health. I am all for free enterprise, but not at the cost of our nation’s natural resources. I am all for free enterprise, but not at the cost of a loss in ethics. It is in ethical resolve that we breed esprit de corps. This reviving of American entrepreneurialism is the propagation of society and even more, the propagation of hope. It is in hope that vision is inspired and it is inspiration that reclamation is accomplished. Herein is my resolve; to inspire hope to another generation that today we do not consume their future. This is my mission for Michigan, as an U.S. Senator, and as an American Patriot Citizen, as a parent, as a pastor, as a human meant for being! jeffjonesforsenate WRITE ME IN!
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 05:45:49 +0000

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