I have fallen in life a few times, caught myself, gotten back - TopicsExpress


I have fallen in life a few times, caught myself, gotten back up....nothing has ever stopped me from becoming the woman I am. Whether it be my awful childhood, overcoming verbal abuse, a mother who was never strong enough to protect me, living through years of lies of where I came from and my own health scare. It has only made me who I am, made me stronger...made me reach out to everyone and anyone I can to lend inspiration to...to let those know that it never matters where you come from...only where you are going. The cycle, the past can be left in the past if you let it......but will always be a part of who you are. I have learned that in life we have to be happy and let go of the past.....if you dont there will be so much wasted time. There is only one way to change your future...and I learned the hard way... I will never be the pity party negative Nellie....I will always say get up and step up....dont let anyone make you what you arent......be true....be kind....so with all of that said. I end my quest to find my father.....this obsession isnt worth my time. Not only because its frustrating.....but it is taking my time from enjoying who I already know I am.....so to my father out there whether you knew about me, or didnt......I am happy. Thank you for however you may have brought me into this life.....I love myself, my family and friends....there is nothing more I need. AND a huge thanks to everyone that has supported me, send me messages, helped me in any way.....I really appreciate it
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 03:39:22 +0000

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