I have gone pretty much my whole life thinking that love is a - TopicsExpress


I have gone pretty much my whole life thinking that love is a noun. It was just a warm squishy feeling. It was something you couldnt control. I thought it was a rush of endorphins you filled your brain when you saw a picture of a special someone or heard their voice or smelled their perfume. Today, I think love is so much more than that. I think love is more of a verb. Something you do. Love is spending time with someone who is lonely even if you dont particularly enjoy their personality. Love is holding your tongue when someone says something absurd on Facebook instead of belittling them in front of everyone . It is letting your husband eat all of the deformed puffy chips in the bag because he loves them, even though you love them too. Love is something as simple as holding a door for somebody or a smile for a stranger. There are a million ways to love and I believe it is a choice you have to make every day. Because if youre not showing love than youre showing hate and the world has enough of that going on already.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 18:09:00 +0000

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