I have gotten so much heat from people because of my belief that - TopicsExpress


I have gotten so much heat from people because of my belief that Obama is the Antichrist or more accurately, the man who will become the Antichrist, being that this doesnt happen until Satan fully indwells him at the beginning of the Seven-Year Tribulation Period. In fact, it is the reason why I am now practically disabled. One of the arguments I usually get from Christians is they say that no one will know who he is, or that the Bible says he wont be revealed, usually referring to 2nd Thessalonians 2:3 & 4 which takes place during the Tribulation Period. But does the Bible really say that we wont know who he is or that he wont be revealed to anyone? The Bible says in 2nd Thessalonians 2:3&4 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. This is the point where it is revealed to the world that he is the Antichrist, and it doesnt necessarily mean that we (Christians) wont know who he is. No one can say with 100% certainty that Obama is a man who will become the Antichrist. I usually tell people that Im 99% sure; I leave that 1% open in case it turns out that he is a deception as he fits the description a little too well. But it stands to reason that in order for the Antichrist to be able to rise to global power, he would already have to be in a position of power. Ive been investigating this since before the 2008 election when Glenn Beck put Obama on my radar by joking about his incredible arrogance (a major characteristic of the Antichrist) by traveling around Europe doing speaking engagements as though he had already been elected before he was even the Democratic nominee. When I sent some information to a friend of mine back then, he said to me that while Obama fits all the prerequisites, the one thing that was missing was his Jewish heritage. But upon further investigation, he found that Obama is not only Jewish on his mothers side, his lineage traces all the way back to the tribe of Dan which is the very tribe that the Antichrist would be a descendant from. The following is an e-mail that my friend sent me more than two years ago in regards to the revealing of the Antichrist: The Revealing One of the many lessons my pastor, Dr. Hank Lindstrom, taught me about the Bible, is that our English translations of the original Hebrew (Old Testament) and Greek (New Testament )Words are often incomplete, misleading or even, in a few cases, outright wrong. We can often gain much more insight into the real depth of the meaning of verses and what God is telling us by going back to the original Hebrew or Greek words and looking closely at their full meaning in the current context of the Scripture. One of Hanks more well-known example is of the word “repent.” Most of us have been taught that this word means “to turn from sin” or “sorrow for sin” and is often used in conjunction with the salvation message and that people must “repent” in order to be saved. Since you and I as born-again believers still have a sin nature and continue to sin while in this body after being saved, then how on earth can we tell someone who wishes to become a believer that they must do something that we ourselves find possible to do after being saved in order for them to be saved? Doesnt make much sense does it? Thats because most Christians have no idea what the word “repent” really means. If you go back and look at the original Greek word, the real meaning becomes clear. It comes from the Greek word, Metanoia, and means, “change your mind.” The root word meta means change and noia means mind. Change your mind. In that context of New Testament Scriptures it simply means change your mind about what you have to do to be saved. Instead of trusting in your good works, tithing, the church, saying prayers, getting baptized, etc. you need to change your mind to trusting (believing) only in the death, shed blood and resurrection of Jesus Christ as payment for your sins. PERIOD! Nothing more. The most famous verse in the Bible, John 3:16-18 makes it perfectly clear. Also, in the Old Testament, the word repent is used 43 times, and in 37 of those it is God Himself who is repenting. I dont think a holy, sinless God needs to “turn from sin” or be “sorry for sin”... do you? We have obviously had a bad translation of the original word, so my point is, going back to the original words often make the original intent clear. Now, with this in mind, and all the crazy world events now happening right before our eyes, I got to thinking about the original Greek word for a word used in other passages that talk about the coming Antichrist. By the way, I used the Blue Letter Bible for my research and it is a wonderful resource and can be accessed here: biblelineministries.org/biblesearch.html The verses I was thinking about are 2 Thessalonians 2: 3-4 Let no man deceive you by any means: for (that day shall not come), except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. I wanted to take a closer look at the original Greek word for “be revealed” and when I did, I found out something very interesting. The original Greek word translated as, “be revealed” is the word, apokalypto and his Strongs number G601. The definition is: 1. to uncover, lay open one has been veiled or covered up a) disclose, make bare 2. To make known, make manifest, disclose what before was unknown There is a similar word to apokalypto called, phaneroo (Strongs number G5319) that means almost the same thing, but with a couple of key differences. Heres the definition of phaneroo: 1. to make manifest were visible or known what has been hidden or unknown, to manifest, whether by words, or deeds, or in any other way a) make actual and visible, realized b) to make known by teaching c) to become manifest, be made known d) of a person e) to become known, to be plainly recognized, thoroughly understood f) who and what one is Heres the point I want to make about the difference between the two: Compare: G5319 (phaneroo), G601 (apokalypto) G5 319 is thought to describe an external manifestation, to the senses hence open to all, single or isolated; G601 is an internal disclosure, to the thinking believer, and abiding. The G601 or “unveiling” precedes and produces the G5319 or “manifestation”; the former looks toward the object revealed, the latter toward the persons to whom the revelation is made. Got that? What I get from this is that apokalypto, which is the word used in this passage, seems to indicate that the Antichrist would be revealed or unveiled to the thinking believer BEFORE he will be revealed to the rest of the general public! Now my question becomes: Is there anyone on the world stage today which to the “thinking believer” looks like, sounds like, acts like, is loved by the world like, is even called by some “the Messiah” (Lewis Farrakhan for example recently did exactly that - YouTube video here: YouTube/watch?v=Ha5HEc-vOJs) and is on the verge of having the power he seeks and completely fits the prophecies of, the Antichrist? The Scripture is telling us, I believe, that we will know who he is before the rest of the world does. If it is true that the “son of perdition” is right before our eyes and is now being revealed to us, but I have one more Scripture to leave you with. And when these things come to pass, then look up, and lift up your eyes; for your redemption draweth nigh. Luke 21: 28
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 19:43:39 +0000

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