I have had this link for some days now and have refused to discuss - TopicsExpress


I have had this link for some days now and have refused to discuss it. Why? I am one of those that will continue to query the details of the Chibok saga. Something does not quite ring true for me. I remember watching a news clip where the father of one of the kids mowed down by Elliot Rodger was being interviewed. The emotion displayed by that man had me in tears. And then we heard almost immediately the news of 4 girls who escaped, no... were released by the abductors, no... were actually at home all this while but... hmmmmm. I believe that if even one girl is being held anywhere against her will, whoever is holding her needs to return her back to her family, but Nigeria confuses me. Someone on a thread somewhere said: Chibok is symbolic. I agree. To me, it is symbolic of a peoples resolve to push back. Whatever BH is, it has taken a huge bite out of the people who are being bitten by the system and it needs to be stopped before it gets any further. How? Do I agree we should negotiate with terrorists? Even in the heat of the saga, I have always said no. Why negotiate? That would only embolden them. I read of the delegation from FOMWAN to the CinC where they requested that Amnesty be considered for the insurgents the way it was offered to the people of Niger Delta. The last time this issue of Amnesty came up, I was amazed at the reactions on cyber space and I remember wondering aloud, why were a certain region now claiming ownership of this monster? Once again I wonder, this is indeed a precarious situation. Should we negotiate with terrorists? I say No. Unfortunately, we lack the motivated manpower needed to ensure a crippling end to this. We lack the intelligence to even handle this matter tactfully (what led to the radicalisation of the sect? Google it). Apparently, Amrika was joking when it offered help and all the runs babe hoping to trap an Amrikan soldier have gone back to the drawing board. Military is compromised, government is having pangs of conscience, in addition to a distinct lack of moral fibre, the people are living in fear... Offer Amnesty! What you did to Niger Delta, do it unto the North East... And just to ensure they have a stronger bargaining power, BH kidnaps two Emirs... Thats all Nigerians. We want peace after all... nigerianeye/2014/05/revealed-how-jonathans-telephone-call.html
Posted on: Fri, 30 May 2014 14:05:06 +0000

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