I have had to wrestle with this concept and am still chewing it - TopicsExpress


I have had to wrestle with this concept and am still chewing it since accepting it. I havent swallowed to begin the digestion process but I have accepted it which is symbolised by my putting it into my mouth and chewing it. Why am I still chewing it? I had accepted, having been sold the concept of the Trinity through my life, that there is a Mighty One, a Messiah and the Helper (the Set-Apart Spirt) known as the Holy Spirit to many. The Trinity is a concept from of old (first borne around Nimrods time shortly after Noa), where 3 separate beings operate as individuals with a head while serving the purpose of the head or a common purpose. #sigh. This is what happens when you think you have it all worked out. You are taken to school like a babe all over again. Now when I worked it out, YHWH was the Almighty one and head while the Spirit and The Messiah were His helpers. I likened it to me having body parts, a mouth, a mind/ brain, arms, etc, but that while the arm wrote stuff it was just an arm not me in my entirety. Also that while the mind worked and the mouth spoke, it all worked on behalf of me the whole and they were just parts of me. So wrong! The realisation took some time and a spark flared while something clicked to some words said by Roger while discussing our differing views on this issue. Even then, I wrestled with it for some time during the night and eventually it made sense. My arm doesnt write on its own and when someone receives a letter from me they dont say, Oh, her arm/fingers said this! And when my mouth speaks, no-one says, Oh, her mouth said that. They all say, Natasha sent me a mail, or, Natasha said this and that. Then when the Messiah who is the Word and the Right Arm of YHWH appears to mankind, why then do we say, the Messiah says and not YHWH says? And when He said He will send His Helper, whay do we look at the Spirit as a separate being? Aaah! They are all One! Elohim is One! Not a trinity/duplex.. Blessed be YaHuWaH who came and died for our sins. Praise YaHuWaH!
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 03:06:12 +0000

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