I have had two very significant pets and they both came to me - TopicsExpress


I have had two very significant pets and they both came to me after I started doing healing work. My first cat, Pepper, was not initially my cat, but my exs, Trevor. When I first encountered her, she was addicted to eating the leaves of a particular bush and she always looked as if she had been vomiting green bile... this must have been some sort of cat Ayuwaska (sp?), as she also looked kind of crazed and with bugged out eyes after chomping on the leaves lol .... But we soon moved to the beach and there was no more plant chomping for her and she gradually integrated into beach life, chasing parrots and attacking other cats (she was very territorial). Pepper was a healer cat and she used to sit on all my clients and heal them. She also used to sit on my heart chakra when I meditated and snuggled under the covers in the middle of the night, when I was sleeping. One day Pepper got bitten by a stray cat and the bite got infected. Soon after that she went into kidney failure and she died. She was with us for 14 years all together and for ten of those she lived with me. When she exited the body, before her silver cord snapped, she showed herself to me in her true self. She was a very tall ominous light being, blue, very wise and serious, and she told me that she was grateful for the life she had had with me, as it gave her the opportunity to shift from the 9th to the 10th dimension. I also had memories of her being my cat in Ancient Egypt. She also said that I would have another two cats one white and one grey and that they would come to me as kittens and that I would soon forget all about her and I would not be so distraught. Then she exhaled her last breath and the door between the worlds slammed shut with a thud. Three weeks later, enter Missy. I saw her kitten picture on Craigslist, all white with these big blue eyes. She looked like a little china doll, so I thought I should call her China. She was a rescue from the Marines in Camp Pendelton. A marines wife was scooping up all the cats and kittens of the soldiers going to war and finding them homes for a fee. He abusive husband was in marines jail and she was trying to gather as much money as she could to leave with her tiny son. So off we went to Oceanside to meet with them and get 7 weeks old China. Except, when I got home, I realized that she was way too spunky and irreverent to be China. within a few weeks she had peed on every surface, destroyed all my window screens, ripped the door curtains, pulled my DVD player of the shelf and smashed it, and regularly bungee jumped off the wall tapestry onto the sofa, with gusto. So, after saying to her repeatedly Hey little Missy, what do you think you are doing?, the name Little Missy stuck. Missy is a care free cat. She loves to be outside and chase things and bounce. She does not sit on laps, but she loves rubbing peoples feet with her head. If she sits on your foot, thats a great honor. She is goofy, but also wise and has consciousness beyond her cat-ness. Astrologically her Gemini Sun is exactly conjunct my Gemini Moon and Ascendant. Her sun is in a T square with Pluto and Uranus, embodying the restless spirit of the times. She often feels galactic to me, like her soul has not been here many times before. She looks at other cats like they are foreign objects worthy of curiosity and once she followed s skunk for about an hour, as they share the same bushy tail lol Our pets are our precious companions. We are blessed to have them in our lives and when they leave, they are not forgotten. Sending love to all of our pets, present and past
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 16:53:29 +0000

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