I have just sent the following letter to Senator Mitch McConnell, - TopicsExpress


I have just sent the following letter to Senator Mitch McConnell, Senator Rand Paul and Congressman Brett Guthrie, all of Kentucky! Please write yours as well! Representative Brett Guthrie U.S. House of Representatives, 308 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Dear Representative Guthrie: NumbersUSA ran this full-page ad in the Capitol Hill publication, Roll Call, highlighting Pres. Obamas amnesty that will give work permits to an estimated 5 million illegal aliens and the laws of supply and demand. With so many new foreign citizens eligible for jobs, Pres. Obamas actions will surely stagnate wages and create more job competition for vulnerable Americans. I urge you to defund Pres. Obamas amnesty in the upcoming spending bills. Our unemployment figures are totally misleading! They do not include all of the discouraged workers who are no longer eligible for unemployment compensation! A recent review places the Actual Unemployed as high as 20%. This is a travesty! These Illegal Alien/Criminals are precisely that! They are NOT illegal immigrants! They never immigrated but skulked across our borders illegally which is a Criminal act! They cannot be rewarded for this! This estimated 5 million figure also is misleading! In 2010, The number of Illegal Aliens/Criminals was estimated to be 10 million! That number today, 4 years later has multiplied to 30 or 40 million. The cost of these criminals in 2010 was estimated to be slightly over 580 Billion Dollars annually. If you did what was right, Closed Our Borders and Deported Every Illegal Alien/Criminal in our Nation, we would NOT have a budget deficit! No nation on earth can continue with such a burden. You received an overwhelming victory in the past elections. This was NOT for you to negotiate with the current lawless administration! This majority was provided for you to rein in the current lawlessness that is rampant in Washington D.C. You have a responsibility to we, the citizens, to do your job and stop this! You CANNOT allow this Illegal President to take yet another Illegal Action with this latest attempt on his part! SIMPLE SOLUTION! Just enforce the Constitutional Law! Obama is not a child of two U.S. Citizens and therefore NOT QUALIFIED TO BE PRESIDENT (Article 2, Section 1 of our Constitution) It doesn’t matter where he was born! Arrest, Charge and remove him in handcuffs along with all of his GANG! When he is removed in handcuffs, the Democrat Party will be found complicit by offering him as a candidate! This will make Biden Illegal, along with the Clintons, Reid, Pelosi and many in the Democrat party who are complicit and all of Obama’s actions taken will be ILLEGAL! That will eliminate OBAMACARE, all of his stupid Executive Orders! All of his Insane Appointments, etc. etc. All of the legal research needed to do this is detailed in the 18 pages of this link! https://docs.google/document/d/1zPRYmTSeOpSvXr0rXVun-WIw1OtWxYY9dOstdQmMIqo/edit?pli=1 A long-time supporter, Shirley Smith-Rhodes P.S. Who knows but what God raised you up to your current position for just such a time as this! This is an easy opportunity for you to TRULY Serve your country! Our Great Nation deserves your best efforts!
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 11:53:50 +0000

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