I have more than enough reasons why the sight of a German police - TopicsExpress


I have more than enough reasons why the sight of a German police officer instills a flight reflex in me rather than a feeling of »safety«. Its not because the police use violence (thats why we have executive forces, after all) or because mistakes happen. So far, everything is fine. The problem is what happens next. That fellow officers do not testify against their colleagues or even conspire to make false statements in their favour is to be expected, even if it cannot be justified. But the vast majority of cases are simply dropped by the prosecution, effectively leaving German police officers safe in the knowledge that they will not be held responsible for using their power. The only authority to discipline German police officers is *internal* to the police force itself! This renders any control of police power ineffective. Germany lacks even the most basic Independent Police Complaints Commission that could intervene in the grossest cases of abuse of police power. Im not sure how to respond to this situation. Other than using my power to vote I can only regret every cent of taxes I pay to Germany, and the only way to really avoid this would be by emigrating (again). I can only advise my friends to keep up their guard when German police are present and not to be taken in by a mistaken sense of »security«. Of course, it wont be long before someone comments to say that »its even worse elsewhere« — the German default vindication that makes everything seem so much better and also conveniently eliminates any need to change. Eye lost by water cannon (G8 protests, 7/6/2007) spon.de/acNZx Freiheit statt Angst (12/9/2009) youtu.be/xOvKX7pvQrM Analysis by Andy Müller-Maghun (CCC) youtu.be/ZJ4ONyb2iYs Baton use against pupils and seniors (30/9/10) youtu.be/W1UYd5LDQXA Shot in Neptunbrunnen (29/6/13) youtu.be/3bRPZLKyU4I Arrest of a refugee in front of members of the press (26/6/14) youtu.be/IaSSmQI6IgU
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 10:24:31 +0000

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