I have never been much for the celebration or acknowledgement of - TopicsExpress


I have never been much for the celebration or acknowledgement of simply the turning of a calendar year. Not that I do not appreciate symbolism but rather that improvement of self should be confronted at all times throughout the year and not just at the start of a calendar. However I am a sucker for the romantic, optimism and sentimentalism of it all and coincidentally all which is abundant this New Year’s eve for me……. I have had a most magnificent year in 2014. It is FAR TOO many things to mention. Most of you have gathered from my posts throughout the year and I thank you for letting me share. I often feel I will explode if I do not share this love and appreciation of life. Thank you for your love and support. I offer this for the New year: “My advice for the New year”… Not because I am suggesting I have some special insight or answers to life, not because I’m insinuating my life is perfect but simply because I am overwhelmingly happy, in love with life, my beautiful kids and this AMAZING woman. I simply offer because I would love for each and every one of you to feel this degree of genuine happiness and I offer simply what has gotten me here….. Maybe perhaps it could help you,,,,, maybe not but it certainly won’t hurt, I promise. :) “My advice for the New year”… IN REGARDS TO LIFE AND SELF: Don’t complain…. ABOUT ANYTHING. Do not worry. Brain storm for solutions. Ask for advice on solutions. When and if there are none, accept it, pray/meditate and move on... Worrying has never added or helped anyone or anything EVER IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND….. Clean up your language, especially when you are upset. The words you choose to use are the color of your self-control. Self-control is the building blocks of character. Contrary to popular social media promotion or believe; DO NOT ACCEPT YOUR FLAWS!.. The blatant and unapologetic attitude of accepting one’s flaws confuses me. Improve them!. Clean yourself up sort of speak. If it is a flaw that affects others you are dam right you should not accept it or force others too. (On a personal note; for me, I was always described by people who loved me, or rather explained/apologized for to others as someone who deep down inside was a great person “If only you could see it” or “If you really get to know him you would see” I am embarrassed to admit they would have to say…. I simply decided not to do that anymore. Clean up those flaws and make that deep down person the fore front. You most likely will not be able to eradicate all but the constant attempt at self-improvement will create new qualities.) Apologize…. Accept apologies….. Don’t say you hate people. YOU are people! In fact eliminate the word HATE from your vocabulary entirely….. IN REGARDS TO LOVE: Do not believe in unconditional love! It seems that it is one of my controversial or most disagreed and criticized notions of mime. I simply believe the concept of unconditional love leaves out the fragility of love if not what takes it the most for granted. People say that if you stop loving then it wasn’t love at all.. I disagree… I believe love is an actual breathing, living thing. It is born, it grows. It either burrows roots and stretches out strong and tall or withers and dies depending on how you treat it and nurture it. It is VERY MUCH conditional. The conditions are your care and treatment of it. DO NOT BLAME THE ENTIRE OPPOSITE GENDER FOR YOUR MISTAKES!.. Whatever it is that happened, WHOMEVER HURT YOU, whatever your situation, abandon the idea of blame. It bares no value but DO recognize and accept your participation, your contribution. In fact focus only that. Identify what you did or did not do, the choices you made or did not make to get you in the situation you are in now. Be kind to your ex or keep your distance but DO NOT BE AN A HOLE to them. When and if you find an interest or love: DO NOT TAKE ANY ADVICE ABOUT HOW TO TREAT THE PERSON YOU ARE INTERSTED IN, DATING OR LOVE OTHER THAN FROM THE VERY PERSON YOU ARE INTERSTED IN, DATING OR LOVE!... IN CONCLUSION, TIPS AND HABITS: Listen to, read or write poetry. Exercise. Even of its lightly through a sport or activity you enjoy. Drink tea :) (This one was taught to me this year) Smile and be kind to strangers. Give to homeless. In any way you can. Play. Joke around. Make yourself laugh. Eat cereal and watch cartoons with kids on a Saturday morning. Thank you for reading, please have a fun and safe New Year!!!! I love you all, as family, friends and human beings. :)
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 19:26:09 +0000

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